MovieChat Forums > Nocturnal Animals (2016) Discussion > Was anyone else physically sick in the f...

Was anyone else physically sick in the first 3 minutes?

WTF did they put those fat nude women in the film for?


It was an "art" installation... The kind of "art" that To. ford is known for.


I wouldn't go so far as to say I felt sick but I could've lived without that opening sequence lol. If it affected the plot in any way that would've been one thing but it was meaningless so there really seemed to be no point to it.


I just started to watch the film - and came here 1 minute in to read the comments - haha

Yeah - umm... i wish they picked better looking women ;)


I think it was meant to illicite that reaction... Also, it was meant to show how meaningless Susan's work had become to her... She even called it trash...

It's meant to be repulsive and empty, but in a way that could also pass as the kind of conceptual, de-skilled, contemporary art that is well received in the art community... 😎

I thought it was a great shot, but have to admit that I stopped eating my snacks! πŸ˜‚


I didnt.

I didnt find it sickly but strange and almost didnt want to watch it because it gave the idea that movie was going to be sexual and grotesque for an introduction.. But I gave it another go because it stayed with me and I can see it being as artful and critique in society.

Then I thought an intro its quite unique, original, and I can kinda see it as artsy. After having watched the film I appreciated more and found it very artful.

I like it.


On another forum, a poster mentioned that the director saw how the grotesque dancers represent liberation and freedom to be true to one's self in a way that Susan had denied herself... They embrace and exhibit their natural flaws, but Susan presents this perfect, but fake, facade to the world of financial success and marraige, both of which are crumbling...

I think the discussion about her brother who came out of the closet was another point where this idea of being true to one's self came up in the movie... But Susan was more idealistic about it at that time as she was younger and had not yet had to make the choice between her social status and lifestyle and what her heart wanted...

The opening scene does grab you and makes one think!


β€œβ€¦ Also, it was meant to show how meaningless Susan's work had become to her... She even called it trash...”

She’s not wrong.


I struggled to eat my dinner.


I grimaced because that is our natural disgust mechanism.And also naturally, I like attractive women.It was something David Lynch would do.


