MovieChat Forums > Captain Fantastic (2016) Discussion > Nudity is only funny to idiots (deleted ...

Nudity is only funny to idiots (deleted OP)

Hey, I deleted the OP because actually it was only a copy of my comment on another person's thread titled
"On how one simple detail can destroy the whole movie"

Interestingly, the two people who responded to my comment agreed with my statement concerning how I felt the nudity was out of character & a rather feeble attempt at comic relief.

So you can see why I felt people here (namely texas mike & his compatriot) might be nitpicking on this thread. Why did I repost the reply on its own thread? Dunno. Just seemed a fun enough subject to reiterate & discuss.

I hoped people would realize the title (a line taken from the original reply) is meant to be a sardonic joke. It suggests that there are children in the audience laughing at nudity. Are children idiots? LoL... well, maybe not. But this works for humor. Like Cosby's "dain bramage" joke, or the line from the Little Rascals movie "You're not people. You're kids." You're supposed to not get offended by the word "idiot." But instead, see it as a crack. Which is a double entendre, hence sardonic humor. ... Is that asking too much from the reader?

Note: TxMike is a right-winger troll who has followed me around in the past, posting negative responses to whatever I write about. So you can imagine my dismay when he showed up again. (put on 'ignore')

Then later..

I thought this thread would become dead when I deleted the OP, but apparently not

Here is the OP
((( which was a reply to the thread titled
"On how one simple detail can destroy the whole movie" )))

On a personal note.. IMHO the one brief scene which ruined, or at least started ruining the movie for me was when Ben (Mortensen) is standing nude in the bus door while senior citizens are walking past. Not that I have a problem with nudity. I don't. It just seemed unnecessary, forced & not really in character, for three reasons: 1) he appeared to be a serious personality who wouldn't have wasted his time freaking a couple of old people, 2) he's mostly dressed in every other scene, including when they are living deep in the wilderness, so why suddenly the nudist? 3) on two occasions he tells his young daughter to put her clothes on after she was seen nude outside. So, it turns out this is supposed to be comic relief, as became apparent when the daughter scolded her dad after by telling him to "wear clothes for dinner." This lack of seriousness is finally explained on wikipedia, where it states how production meant this to be a "comedy-drama film." And here on IMDb it specifically styles the film as "comedy, drama, romance" in that order. Apparently, the producers meant to make a light family comedy-drama. Which (again IMHO) pretty much ruins the point of this otherwise well made film documenting some of the serious controversial issues that challenge an American family when they've chosen the path of complete independence of thought & action over socially fitting in with the norms of society. Because there is nothing worse than watching a cop-out. It's like the producers are telling the establishment "Don't worry. We weren't really serious about all this survivalist, dropping out of corrupt society, honest & intelligent stuff." Which is a lot like so many hippies (1960s-70s) who copped out & hypocritically turned into yuppies (1980s). So then, the question becomes: How do you bring comic relief into a film like this? Which brings us to this point: Nudity is only funny to idiots.

..and here are the two agreeing replies from that thread (copied)

"I watched this movie on an airplane from tokyo to chicago and they left the nude scene in, which i thought they were supposed to edit that stuff out. I agree with your personal note."

"Agree with the nudity, too. As so well explained, Dad seemed well balanced enough not to need to expose himself. Obviously we all know the female and male anatomy, but we also know that we live in a society and we must follow at least some basic rules. Dad knew as well, otherwise all the family would run around naked all the time, since there is nobody in the forest.... But they wear clothes, for several reasons. Although perfectly "normal" and nothing to be ashamed of, the sight of naked bodies should be left for more appropriate circumstances"


Idiots are only indigenous to certain specific locations and you have not provided any proof that those locations are represented in the responses here. Therefore your whole line of unreasoning is moot.

..*.. TxMike ..*..



So then, the question becomes: How do you bring comic relief into a film like this? Which brings us to this point: Nudity is only funny to idiots.

I thought it was funny. I could be wrong, but I don't think I'm an idiot.

But if you want a serious note on that scene, it's the penis. Perhaps the point is made a bit late, with all of the schlongs we're seen on cable now (Game of Thrones, Westworld), but for decades now, it was a heck of alot easier to show womens breasts and even the occassional bush (merkin or not) than to show a penis. Because, as he says, every man has one.

But if this was their worst trip-up in their attempt to add levity to an otherwise serious film, it didn't seem too harmful to me. Harper's kids probably giggle to films that are plenty worse.

Brevity is the soul of wit.




So, it turns out this is supposed to be comic relief, as became apparent when the daughter scolded her dad after by telling him to "wear clothes for dinner."

I dont think it was meant to be funny except for the reaction by the oldies. And I'm pretty sure Ben told his naked daughter that they always dress for meals.



But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the only intention is to be funny by insulting old people.

If anything, his intention would have been to shock, not insult.

And it wouldn't be directed at "old" people, if he were making a point about the nudity and his possession of a penis, it would be to any prudish member of society. That's the way Ben rolls--he tells his kids that they don't make fun of people, but he's not above making his point.

But I still think it was just a moment of levity, the little daughter's comment about dressing for meals included.

Brevity is the soul of wit.





I so hope all the nitpickers here will have an absolutely wonderful holiday.

You're obviously not, you sad sack. May the krampus be with you.


I'm pretty sure Ben told his naked daughter that they always dress for meals.
Yes, but then when Ben was naked there's a quick voiceover of his daughter reiterating the family rule back at him. Which obviously was supposed to be light humor, based on how neither of them enjoys wearing clothes. Come to think of it, it was kinda funny after all. So now let's throw out a question: How many agree that Ben & his daughter shouldn't ever have to wear clothes for dinner? LoL


I really don't think that nude scene was intended to be funny.

I believe, at that point, the viewer was being lead 'back to reality' and start viewing the father from a mainstream perspective. Specifically as a "hippy in a clown suit", as the grandfather described him when he made a strong case in the study after the roof incident.

For that I think the director should be applauded for allowing the viewer to see the whole situation from both perspectives (the people vs the man) and then the viewer can decide for themselves where they stand. Rather than simply simply forcing a single agenda throughout the whole movie, because that would be like watching a football game and rooting for one team the whole time.

But getting back to that scene; I think it was intended to make the viewer cringe, rather than laugh.

Just a thought.


OP's too busy shouting at anyone who isn't as uptight as them instead of actually stopping and thinking for a minute, now iprettymuchjustridebikes has just swooped in and shown who the real idiot is... thanatogenos themselves! Who'da thunk it!?


I think it was intended to make the viewer cringe, rather than laugh.
hahaha Def made me cringe, but not because nudity makes me cringe, only because it seemed tasteless screenplay-wise

But I get your point, as much as I hate the idea. Obviously a neo-conservative idea. Yuck. Hate neo-conservatives. Anyway, good point nonetheless. Maybe a bit too serious tho, as I'm discovering perhaps too many serious reactions (including my own) to this film which was MEANT TO BE A LIGHT COMEDY.

Am getting tired of this debate over whether the scene was meant to be comic relief tho. Again, this entire film was meant to be a comedy--or the person in charge of designating style (comedy, drama etc) on IMDb has a strange sense of humor---as previously stated, the film is also described as a comedy on wikipedia

Gist of the OP
I got sucked into a film which I thought was about a serious topic. Only to discover it tainted with cheapified stuff & was actually only meant to be a light comedy. All of that is cool, I mean, I don't really care about it, if that's what they want. Because as a light comedy, who should care? LoL

The CIA neo-conservative plan has always been to move the left to the centrist position, thereby making the left obsolete. Of course, it worked. But most disturbing is their motive. Which is much less about political ideology (freedom) than it's about allowing corporate corruption free range over the entire population for influence purposes.


Humour is all about context, and in the right context ANYTHING CAN BE FUNNY.


hahaha yeah like this pathetic thread I started is undoubtedly funny to some freaky alien somewhere spying on humans

as good as it gets (aka: take it, fool)


Does nudity offend you?

Are you superior because you do the laugh at nudity?

Why do you need to resort to childish immature name calling to people how are just... Laughing


Chill out man...


damn straight man

maybe I can get texas mike to explain why I suddenly feel like I'm a guest on Wayne's World


If you consider that nudity is funny only to idiots then what do you think of people who are offended by nudity used in a non-sexual context?


Double Idiots!


double idiots: including me..... don't even think about taking me to that art gallery..... what do you think I enjoy cringing?


Also, people who are offended by someone using the word "idiots" are...




3) on two occasions he tells his young daughter to put her clothes on after she was seen nude outside. So, it turns out this is supposed to be comic relief, as became apparent when the daughter scolded her dad after by telling him to "wear clothes for dinner."
It might not matter, but the child in question was a boy, Nai, played by Charlie Shotwell. (The two youngest are hard to distinguish or sex.)
