II and III were so terrible

This is going to be as bad as Coming 2 America


I hope not. I have a feeling it’ll be good though


3 was but 2 was pretty good except for that annoying chief lutz guy.


I actually appreciate the 3rd one for going somewhere different.


I love II. It's like Die Hard 2. Bigger everything, yet not as good. But it's so seeped in 80s culture it's crazy.


I feel like Die Hard 2 is a little underrated at this point. I hear more negative comments about it than positive.


I've never understood the hate towards Die Hard 2. I think it's almost as good as DH1.


It's pretty good. The first will always be the best but I think that, while it may not be as "good" of a movie, Die Hard 2 is properly a more entertaining film than Die Hard with a Vengeance.


beverly hills 3 was the worst! oh my days.


Yup. Have a feeling this won't be good either.


Yeah the weird thing about Beverly Hills Cop is that the first movie is the only one that is actually good. BHC2 has its moments but it’s really just on autopilot and the 3rd one is disposable trash. It’s a movie franchise that never quite reached its full potential despite being an easily recognizable IP.
I actually think that Eddie Murphy’s later movie Metro is the best BHC sequel despite having nothing to do with the series. And it was a middle-tier Eddie Murphy film at best!


Agreed. They could have easily changed the lead character into Axel and there you go. Metro is to me one of Murphy's best action movies.


II was good. While it may not live up to the first, it's a very solid action/comedy movie in its own right.

III was a mess. It was almost like they wanted to do a pg-13 version of the first one so that it would appeal to a larger audience. But then they did just enough to keep the R rating, so in the end we're left with a watered-down rehashing of the first movie, and it didn't make any money.
