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‘Star Wars: The High Republic’: Disney announces new saga


Could be intreasting if they actually properly plan a coherent trilogy and not just make it up as they go along , and please no SJW crap for the love of god. This is Disneys last chance.


You know they are going to blow it. They are in too deep with the woke shit, there's no going back now. They have to go down with the ship of wokeness.


Will it matter? There were zero political or SJW elements to the new trilogy, but you people bitched and moaned non-stop.


Dude it was full of SJW stuff , did you not spot the lesbien kiss at the end ?


That qualifies it as pushing a political agenda in your eyes? Did the kiss between Kylo Ren and Rey strike you as pushing an anti-gay agenda? Not only was the scene a tiny, innocuous, background moment with no bearing on the story, it was nothing unusual or radical. Gay people exist, and admitting that fact is not a political statement.

I'm as anti-SJW and anti-Woke as anyone, but saw nothing remotely agenda-pushing or politically-stating in any of the films.


It’s very unnatural though to have a scene like that in a Star Wars movie , there is obvious political SJW stuff in there , female pilots , female stormtroopers, it’s obviously been shoe horned in there to fit an agenda


It only seems shoehorned to someone who has a bias against gay people. It's a perfectly normal action that happens all the time, all over the world, and has been for millennia. I've heard others say that having a black actor in a lead role is a clear-cut case of an SJW agenda, and that sounds the same to me as what you're saying. To someone anti-gay, including gay characters is "an agenda," to someone racist against blacks, casting a black actor is "an agenda," to someone anti-female, casting a female in lead role is "an agenda," and so forth.

I believe that including normal behavior and typical people in films is by no stretch pushing an agenda. Where I see agendas being pushed are when blatant statements are being made, either verbally or via plot points, that push radical politics onto the audience. Example: I just watched Ragnarok on Netflix, and while I really, really enjoyed the imagery, the pacing, and the overall story an ideas, I had to overlook the in-your-fact climate change propaganda and the broad-stroke painting of big corporations as evil, the law corrupt to help the evil corporation, and the lowly, noble underdog fighting for social justice. To me, that show had a clear, "woke" agenda that made it far less enjoyable than if they had left radical politics out of it altogether.


I didn't see it as an agenda, but it definitely felt forced to me. Pun: intended.

The lesbian kiss at the end of Rise of Skywalker got the same eye-roll from me that Chewie's medal did. It was pointless pandering that the movie didn't need and (most importantly) it wasn't set up properly.

I thought they were going to go for it with Poe and Finn, the way Poe was super-jealous of Finn wanting to talk to Rey. But they didn't do that. They set it up, but didn't pay it off, and backpedaled it with Poe's flirting with his ex as the pilots return.

I think the reason stuff like this feels forced is because you can smell the committee checking off boxes and that always feels grimy. Like they aren't really interested in representation or diversity, they only want to check off boxes to appear "good".

So, yeah, to my thinking it was shoehorned in. And also a bit of a wimp-out. It was like Rowling with Dumbledore's sexuality. Put it in the books, lady! So, this box-checking homosexual peck in Star Wars feels shoehorned in because it's clearly done as some kind of pandering instead of making it part of the story.

Now, all that said, nothing the Disney Committee did to win over demographics made me hate the movies or hate inclusive films; I just rolled my eyes and went back to the movie.


Agree with this post 100%


Dude, i aint got a problem with gays , just dont use movies to promote the woke


I remember a high number of Asian and female characters in Rogue One but nobody claiming that the movie is 'woke', presumably because the characters were more concerned in advancing the plot rather than trumpeting their diversity. I wasn't bothered about it in TFA either. But LTJ... there's one shot panning shot of Hux (?) when there's a female Asian in an office's uniform shoved right in the foreground as to be impossible to miss. The only reason I can think of her to be so prominent in the shop is to promote the New Order as equal opportunities employers. And they're supposed to be the bad guys.

You can forget the narrow gantries in Star Wars now, like Obi-Wan shutting down the tractor beam or Han v Kylo ni TFA. They'll all be double-wide for wheelchair access with safety railings.


Finn was the perhaps the most token character ever.


Its Disney. Its amusing you are even giving them another chance.



Confirmed franchise destroyed.


Please, no more. This trilogy was just terrible, except for Chewbacca.


LOL two of the writers are trans. What could possibly go wrong? Expect these movies to have a strong female lead going through a gender identity crisis with an 80% Asian/black cast.

Star Wars is dead and buried. Disney won't be getting another cent from me ever again. How can anybody possibly be interested in this? Does anybody even care at this point?


Star Wars is not dead and buried.


You're right about everything pre-disney. Post-disney is a dried husk.


>LOL two of the writers are trans.

How many writers are there in total? What the fuck happened to having a coherent story written by a single writer?


Didn’t this era take place thousands of years before TPM and not just 200 years?


The 'writers board' mentions diversity/representation multiple times along with anti war sentiments and the video features several sjw morons and soys.

It will be trash.


Star Wars without the wars. That will bring the crowds in.


'writers board'

Written by commitee, the worst kind of writing.


It will be garbage because there won't be any continuity. They admit that the writers have different ideas about how they see life in the "New Republic". Those conflicting visions will have books contradicting each other in storytelling. Lucas had many writers, but they followed one vision and used a resource nicknamed the "Star Wars Bible" in order to maintain consistency. Kennedy still hasn't learned her lesson from the trilogy mess which contained three conflicting and incoherent stories.


I love SW but....make a break people.
