Season 3 a mess

Season 3 was a mess to me. I could barely follow it and didn't much enjoy the parts that I did follow.

And, I think, from a non-story perspective, I understand. They were trying to tie up all the storylines in this last season and still tell a new compelling story.

But, Jesus, characters were introduced and killed almost at random. Characters personalities and intentions seemed to shift unexpectedly. And overall, the story was just...weird to me.

Not a great ending to the show, I think.


Worse yet is how bad it goes off the rails with historical accuracy. Okay, I accept the flourishes of fancy to make it entertaining.But they portray Leonardo's father getting beheaded while in Real Life he lives till 1502. Lorenzo De'Medici lives till 1492. Clarice Orsini till 1488.

The Ottoman invasion of Naples was in 1480.

(Spoiler Alert)The Confederacy LOSES the Civil War!!!!


not to mention vlad the impaler, he is portrayed as some evil vampire that loves blood and impales people for fun


So Dracula doesn't deliver? What a shame! He was the best part of season one!


I will try to make it more clear: I understand the TV series aren't supposed to be historically precise at all it's just my curiosity of why Vlad the Impaler, specifically, is made to look like an evil character in most movies even though in reality he was a great protector and used any means necessary to stop the Turks from taking over his lands and then the rest that were left .


Oooh... I see what you're saying. Well, he DID do some pretty evil things! But then as you said it was all to protect his lands. I don't know, I think Paul Rhys' portrayal is actually more accurate than most of the one's I have seen. At least he's not the romantic goth guy that killed in the name of love for his slain wife like most movie versions! A vicious warlord is more like it.


oh well I'd impale some Turks too if that would mean making the rest of their army run home :D


Heh, right?!


What a shame as Da Vinci was my second favorite tv series after Sherlock before season 3. I enjoyed the last 3 episodes before the finale and I hope to find out what happens at the finale tonight


It's historical fantasy... and one of the principles within the universe of the show is the concept that "history is a lie"... so I don't understand why do you have problems with the historical deviations...


You don't really mean that, you're just lying. Everything is a lie. Everyone lies. Even when you lie you lie.

(Spoiler Alert)The Confederacy LOSES the Civil War!!!!


(Spoiler alert if you watch on TV.) Totally agreed. So disappointing, they didn't do anything in the way that made this a fun show. No adventure, no romance, no continuity- between first two seasons and season 3, and individual episodes within this season.. everything had been leading up to a showdown between Sons of Mithras and Enemies of Man and the chase for the Book of Leaves; Florence vs Rome, freedom vs tyranny; false Pope vs Imprisoned Pope; suddenly it's all about the Turks? Sons of Mithras suddenly villains, not even a hint of that before? Lorenzo disappears for more than half the season and comes back an irrelevant douchebag; Clarice is a focus early, on her way to redemption it seems but suddenly gets offed, which kills that subplot anti-climatically, the whole SEASON is anti climatic, unsatisfying, drab, dry, no humor, dark and depressing and ugh what a waste. I was looking forward to this for months, now I'm just mystified by the decisions they made. Bummer


Truly disappointed and also fun characters like Vanessa became so unfamiliar... As if they are all together a different person in season 3


@colin - I know, right? Like WTH happened with the Book of Leaves? What about the Pope's brother? I was expecting at least a final scene with him going all "AAARRRGGHH DA VINCI!!!! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!!! But nope, nothing, he just disappears.

"Once the full potential of the human spirit has been unlocked, true divine power awakens"


I agree with 110% of everything colinjames said. Such a friggin letdown...


On the positive side there are far fewer shots of men's Junk hanging out and wagging around!

(Spoiler Alert)The Confederacy LOSES the Civil War!!!!


I just finished the show and have to totally agree.

Season 2 ended with Leo finding that the book is in Constantinople and he has to get there before Carlos does.

Then season 3... And... Nothing? The book no longer matter. Carlos just hangs around for no reason what so ever.

Lucricia frees her imprisoned father whom she was willing to kill for, only to completely dump him 5 minutes later?

They constantly mentioned the enemies of men yet completely dropped the name just for the sake of calling them "the labyrinth" and everything to do with the "sins of Daedalus" is forgotten.

The pope was the major antagonist in season 1 and clearly knew a thing or two about the book is now a complete buffoon?

And what's the deal with Riario? He's good? He's bad? He's possessed? He's not?
Make up your mind for crying out loud!

And in the end it was just about the Turks? Not the Sons of Mithra nor the Labyrinth?

I get that they were cancelled after the show was done filming... But still, WTF?


You could thank Starz for the messed up season 3. They needed forever to give a definate answer to the shows future. The season and the ending seemed rushed and i think the writers were planning for more than just these 10 episodes when they got the call of the cancelation. And i think the knew somewhere at mid-point of shooting or even in the end, so they had to go back and re-shoot to have somewhat a normal ending to the series.


At least they had an ending,not like the Borgias!


I also didnt like it. Watched all seasons but didnt like it very much except i liked mystic and historical environment. Series had potential but were badly made in character interaction part and biased actions (like changing and double personalities).


I guess I'm in the minority. I know it is wildly historically inaccurate, but I enjoyed the Season 3 and thought the ending, while not ideal, not every plotline was resolved, was good enough considering the circumstances. Sextus was killed by Riario, the Turks were defeated and Nico stays in Naples.
I would have liked a couple more seasons, maybe a Season 4 where he goes again to search for the Book or Leaves but this time actually finds it, and a Season 5 where he uses it. I'm glad we got a Season 3, and while it wasn't perfect, I thought it was pretty good.


I liked season 1 and 2, thought it was gonna be like those but damn. 3rd season is just horrendous. No wonder it's cancelled and dead.


From what I read, it was the other way round : season three could not be handled normally because they had learned in between that it would be the last season.

⚜ Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints ! ⚜⚜


I have to say I loved the first two seasons and just watched the season finale and thought it was a bit boring and lame considering. Plus most of season 3 was confusing, I didn't understand half of what was going on and what happened to the book of leaves which was what the whole show was about.

real human being and a real hero


Yes, it was a bit " packed up" with all the elements that were meant for four seasons I think... I don't understand why they cancelled a show that could have been considered as "cult" in a few years if they only had given it its chances... Which only leaves us with the consolation that it did get an ending, unlike too many series. THAT, really makes me mad !

⚜ Lance is a Saint ! ⚜⚜


NO ONE has even mentioned The Most Important aspect of Season 3: The sudden introduction, acceptance and tactical use (to Kill, of course) of THE SUPERNATURAL.

For a Show based on DaVinci, that is truly THE most important departure from Accuracy, etc. DaVinci was purely a Man of Science. That is part of the genius of him (and the show?) - that such an Artist relies so heavily on true Science and the power of Science and Technology, etc.

IF it could not be explained by Science, DaVinci would NEVER look to the Supernatural! ANY true Scientist would never compromise themselves by indulging the belief that the Supernatural even exists, never mind as the Explanation for anything and especially as The Solution for everything!

The entire Show has been based on DaVinci"s use of Science to explain! "Magic is Science you do not yet understand", and all of that. And then SUDDENLY the Book of Leaves turns out to be Supernatural? DaVinci's use of that Supernatural Page is normal?
