1 for cheesiness

In one of the first scenes, Cruise/Maverick pilots a plane to Mach 10.3. I wondered if that was even possible, so I Googled "fastest jet in the world," and got this: NASA/USAF X-15 - Mach 6.72 (4,520 mph), an experimental rocket-powered aircraft. I cried hokum on the first of this movie's BS, but still watched it to see if it might get better, enough so to give it an IMDB score of 8.3.

I'm still trying to figure that out. IMO, it was cheesy, over-the-top horseshit. I don't what else to call it.



Cool story, bro.


you still watched it and the use of a fictional prototype plane in the intro is your biggest gripe?


I researched in real life any Delorean that would disappear while getting up to 88mph, and I couldn't find one. Not one vehicle, even. I call bullshit.

One star.


Stop ruining stuff for me.


I researched as much as I could to find out why this flying frisbee called the Millenium Falcon was hurling through space and the passengers on board just walk around like, "g'day mate!".... so, yeah, I call bullshit.


Yeah I stopped watching the movie right there and turned the TV off and got up and put my fist through some drywall in my living room and kicked my dog and flipped off a baby. I was so disgusted.



This is more in-line with TG:M Darkstar scramjet which is what Skunk Works drew up. Achieving Mach 10 speed is scientifically improbable for a manned aircraft, as the human body can't withstand the acceleration and G-force required. So it's not the plane but the survivability of Maverick once he ejected at those speeds is the cheesy part.


I struggled with ejection also on this one. BUT, yeah, it is just movie fiction, so... he got lucky. Plus, surely a plan like that has a super special reinforced ejection cockpit for just such emergencies. AND we don't know how long everything took - perhaps a minute or more to slow down and descend, we jsut didn't see it.

In the end, it worked in that movie's universe, and that's how all movies work. Just entertaining fiction. :)
