Why is nermal evil?

In the garfield show and those awful video movies nermal is a mean shelfish evil jerk. He even battles with garfield in funny fest.
Where did this evil nermal come from?
The old nermal was annoying to garfield but was not evil. Nermal never acted like this in the comic strip or old show.

They really messed up nermal in the new show.


I wouldn't say "Evil" I would say "Underhanded" or "Meaner" in comparison to his previous TV counterpart. But one thing that is kept is his arrogance and ego. Nermal has always been one to gloat and not be afraid to do it, since "everyone loves him".

His G&F's personality was actually watered down compared to his genuine comic strip personality; in which he is more bold and less "outwardly" annoying. His G&F's personality has him being outright annoying, loud and proud of it. His TGS personality is more (as I said) underhanded and he isn't afraid of going head to head with Garfield. Instead of waiting for Garfield to come after him, he has no problem with going after Garfield... he seems more like a prank pulling Tween than a childish annoying Kitten.


I prefer this new Nermal to the G&F's version. Used to couldn't stand when he'd show up on that series. Now I can tolerate him a little more because he isn't so syrupy and girlishly "cute."

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