Live action or animated?

Could be a good movie, just hope its not woke.


Oh god - please stop, Disney. Are they ever going to create an original IP a shot again?


There's an animated movie called 'WISH' that's coming out this November.


As a follow-up to the shitty CGI remake? I doubt it.


It has a black director. It finna be woke as hell. Gay lions fighting the patriarchy, tonnes of blue hairdye and non-binary hyenas. Mufasa might get a sex change. Conservatives will tour the White House again and kill six people.


“I literally watched this movie one time and turned it off. It literally had me literally shaking. It took place in Africa, so racist. And the father was a genetic male, gross. We’re not going to focus on stupid things of the past like family and love and hard work. It’s going to be about an empowered female errrrr empowered x in the modern world being empowered and independent.” - The brown person Disney will pick to star in this turd.
