fake news

fake news ignore


Blah blah blah.

First off, who is actually blaming misogyny? Where are all the feminist whiners? The only place I've seen them mentioned are by people who are claiming that anyone who doesn't like this will be called a misogynist. I haven't actually really seen anyone being called that. If you have links, share them. Otherwise, trash a bad movie. That's fine, but it's posts like this, that you post over and over again, are why you, (you specifically) get called sexist.

This movie is failing because people have superhero fatigue, no one has heard of Madame Web, there are already too many Spiderman movies, and from just watching the trailer, it doesn't look interesting, or good. It shouldn't have anything to do with it starring women.

This is a blog post, it's opinion, but I think it makes a point (if you actually read it)


i redacted my comment. it was based on FAKE NEWS. just more internet lies.

but the issue still stands

its not fake news that, in previous failures, men were publicly blamed. look it up yourself.


The only one that I really know of was when Banks made her comments about Charlie's Angels.

Do I think that directors and people involved with a movie should publicly blame groups of people for movie failures, I think it just proves that these people are human and are expressing themselves. Not really much different than hundreds posters on this site who trash movies without even seeing them because they star women, or POC.




That’s four.
