It was sad when... [spoiler]


It was sad when Aunt May died, especially since you thought she was ok at first.

I guess anyone who says "With great power comes great responsibility." is doomed.


you may wanna change your title, your giving it away even with the spoiler tag, people will figure it out, please do so, don't ruin the experience of those who havent seen it yet


Nobody who doesn't want spoilers will click on the Spider Man board.


ok so based on your logic, it's ok to put spoilers in the titles too ? doesn't matter because everybody who come here have seen the movie right ?


You can figure out what happened from the title? Or is that because you've seen it already?


It was a great fake out. Cause I expected them to pull their punches. When she went down I was like, "oh shit, they went there!" Then she was all like, i'm fine. And i'm like, "classic modern blockbuster BS". But then, whoop! Great stuff!


I thought having her recover for 5 minutes was bizarre. She literally stood up and had a full blown conversation with him then keels over. The conversation she had with him should have happened while she was dying without the fake out; which was unnecessary.


It was a great fakeout and made her death even sadder. You think she dead at first and then she seems perfectly fine and then you slowly realize she's actually dying. Made it way more impactful for me.


"made her death even sadder"

"Made it way more impactful for me"

This is the opposite of what fake deaths do.



Although I think "It was sad when Aunt May [spoiler]d" would have been even better...


I'm just writing this to bump it. So more people can see how dumb this title is.


No Way Home's Trailers Annoyingly Spoiled Its Huge Death Scene

The trailers for Spider-Man: No Way Home ended up spoiling various things, among those the movie's huge death scene. Let's take a look.


Why No Way Home's Big Death Can Never Be Undone


I was shocked by it. Hadn't been spoiled of it. Frankly though it's something that should have happened in the comics a long time ago. Aunt May was killed off in the comics back in the mid 90s. Then they retconned it that Norman Osborn had kidnapped her and had a young actress genetically modifified to look like her. And it was said actress who died. Comics can be weird.

Anyway, in the current comics Aunt May at this point is around 90 years old and Peter is in his 30s. But the writers want him to be written like he's in highschool.
