I liked it

I never knew there were previous iterations of this same story.
A 1966 tv show and a 1991 film.

This was quite enjoyable.
Tim Burton did well with this film. Johnny Depp was good as Barnabas.

The supporting cast were also good.

All in all an enjoyable viewing experience.


It's good. It was just saddled with ridiculously high expectations. What with the original material being beloved & Burton and Depp teamed up again, all that kind of thing.


I like it, too. It reminds me of those Brady Bunch movies from the 1990s in that it is largely a spoof and makes a lot of clever references to the original series. I loved how in the Brady movies the family seemed oblivious to the fact that they still looked and acted like the 1970s while everyone around them was modern. It's sort of the same in Dark Shadows. Prior to the disco ball falling on him and setting him on fire, the Collins family makes no comment on or seems to take notice that Barnabus is pasty-white and has long claw-like fingernails.
