MovieChat Forums > 13 Going on 30 (2004) Discussion > Wearing the nightdress to work really ir...

Wearing the nightdress to work really irritated me

It really bugged me that she went to work without any personal care, like deodorant or washing herself or brushing her hair etc. and in her nightdress, no less.


I thought about that too. Nobody noticed any odor?


For sure! And it just looked 'ew'.


I thought about that too. Nobody noticed any odor?

Odor? What kind of odor do YOU have after a night of sleep?  Odor?!?

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


I don't know. I just feel grimy if I get up and dress without showering in the morning.


Well I can understand not feeling fresh, but if you stink from not taking a shower in the AM then you didn't take a shower for the last few days. I agree with what someone else said about her breath though - and all that surprised whispering? Gross.

I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!


I was thinkin what her breth must smell like when she was whispering to the assistant. And she had coffee too! Eww


Funnily enough, she still looked really cute and put together. Only in the movies.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


I think the reason for that was to show how unprepared she was for her 30-year-old life. Those 17 years were all a blank and she suddenly found herself in a whole new reality. So obviously, the last thing she had on her mind upon arriving into that new reality was grooming and hygiene.

Also, people can get away with much more in movies than they can in real life.


I think some people here missed the fact that she RAN out of her apartment trying to get away from (the man who happened to be) her boyfriend. She was freaked out and afraid - she bolted. Right?


That is correct.

However, that was not my point. The reason it happened was not a question in my post. I just had a personal irk that she did it. And some of the posters agreed it was a bit of an ugh moment, so no need to point out the reason why she ran out like that or that people missed that fact. It's still gross, to me.

And it is just a movie and a funny question, I don't know why people take these things so seriously lol.


I was (and others were) simply replying to your initial post. One comment leads to another and so on... no one was being overly serious. We all know and love this movie as silly and fun. It's OK. 😂


I just had a personal irk that she did it. And some of the posters agreed it was a bit of an ugh moment, so no need to point out the reason why she ran out like that or that people missed that fact. It's still gross, to me.
Not sure why you sound so defensive when you did post a thread. Did you not think people would share their opinions whether they agreed or not?

As far as your are taking a "personal irk": If you were 13 and a grown, naked, creepy man was in your house I hope you would run out too.

Now if you had said, "I get why she ran out but how gross she had to spend the day like that, poor girl" then I could see your point for sure. I completely agree with that. But it's not her fault.

If it is just a movie why would you even feel grossed out? Jennifer Garner herself was squeaky clean as was the nightgown she was wearing. If anything you should be asking yourself why you are grossed out by something that isn't even real.


Same here, it always bothered me that she didn't brush her teeth.


she went to work w/out underwear on. BIG error


First, she was creeped out by the sudden transformation of being 30.

2nd, because of this, she was unaware that her and her friend was going to work.

3rd, she only left the house because she freaked when she saw a naked grown man in the house (remember she was mentally 13 years old).


I guess the long jacket made it less noticeable??


I just watched this scene.

She is mentally at 13yr old child. She wakes up in a strange place, she sees in the mirror she is no longer in a 13yr old body. Then a strange man in only a towel approaches her and even invites her to join him naked in the shower.. I think any 13yr old would be freaked out and scared about this. I am in my 40s and would freak out! She runs away from the man because she feels unsafe. She sees an adult woman who knows her name and telling her to get into the car. The strange man yells at her from the window.

She has a few choices - go back into the building where the strange naked man is, get in the car with a stranger who is a woman yet knows her name or run down the street. She makes a wide decision. She gets in the car to escape him. This is a normal response to the situation if you ask me.

Also she called her parents for help but got the answering machine saying they were on vacation. She was a young 13 year old in a scary situation
