MovieChat Forums > How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) Discussion > How many bulls**t does it take to make a...

How many bulls**t does it take to make a movie rated R?

There were at least 2 dozens of bullsh** i heard here and some of it is shouted and it just bothers me especially when my 9 yr daughter watches.


Why would you let your 9 year old daughter watch a movie with this subject matter? How exactly is a kid supposed to relate to a romantic comedy?


Bad parenting


It's still pg-13... as in 13 years old, so she probably shouldn't be watching it anyway. Top it off it's a romantic comedy something she shouldn't know much about.


Notice how the movie's rated pg-13 and your kid is 9? Seriously, she shouldn't be watching it.

This is my signature.


PG 13 means kids under 13 should be accompanied by a parent, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to watch it.

Having said that, the OP is clearly ultra-sensitive and should know what these guildelines mean and what to expect from a PG 13 movie.


That's true. And sort of part of my point, which I guess I probably should have said. I mean, the movie is PG-13 and her kid is 9. If she was worried about whether it was appropriate for her kid, personally, I think she should have watched it beforehand (as the PG-13 guideline might suggest anyway) to determine if it was something she deemed acceptable for her kid to watch.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


You can say the S-word as many times as you like in a PG-13 movie without making it an R. However, you are only allowed one use of the F word, saying it twice makes it R.

"Oh my God! You put a living room where the crack den used to be!"


ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING has two fvcks ("Don't fvck with the Lords of Hell!" "Don't fvck with the babysitter!") and it was rated PG-13.


In the context of the game, it's not really offensive enough to warrant a rating effect. It was not directed at anyone maliciously.


PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned, Some Material May Be Inappropriate for Children Under 13. This rating is a stronger caution for parents that content included may not be appropriate for children under 13 (pre-teen ages). This may include stronger language, extended violence or sexual situations and drug-use.
