Samwise converts Gollum

When Sammy Slammy gives his big noble speech at the end. Gollum is listening, and is clearly motivated, after temporarily ousting his Joker sub-personality. I'm more convinced than ever that when Gollum goes after the ring in the end, to his doom, it is an act of sacrfice, to both rid the world of evil and be the last possesser of it. For he realizes he'll never be allowed to keep it but in death eternal. Sauron did his job too good. But it is also in service to Frodo, for it is intimated by both Gandalf and Galadriel, that Frodo should die in his endeavor to destroy the One Ring. And yet he lives. Spared his fate as Frodo and once Bilbo spared Gollum's. These are beautiful movies with a very spirtual message.


No, Gollum didn't sacrifice himself. He would not have had the willpower to do that after all those years in possession of the ring.
