MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1997) Discussion > could a 'legacy sequel' be done?

could a 'legacy sequel' be done?

imagine a sequel titled 'Titanic: Legacy' starring Kate Winslet as she is now at 50ish (so set like 25y later in late 1930s).. She has an estranged son (Dane Dehann), and Billy Zane is trying to track her down. also thered be support from surving characters like Kathy Bates, Ioan Gruffyd and a bunch of new actors (former A listers currently languishing in stream movies/series looking to be in a big theatre movie again e.g Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta Jones, Jude Law, Ed Norton etc, dependable franchise names: Hugo Weaving, Ian McKellan, Brendan Fraser etc , and obviously various Downton Abbey actors)

at some point there'd be flashback scenes to Titanic (filmed new with deaged Kate/Leo - not neccsary for actual Leo to appear though) , and maybe the film would end on top a skyscraper like King Kong (Cal vs Rose, her line about how Cal possibly died in the crash of '29 just a throwaway bs)

written by committee and directed by some other random B/C list director studio hire (Justin Lin, Jonathon Mostow, Andy Muschietti etc) but Cameron giving it his blessing (and exec producer/cowriter credit a'la Dark Fate) and doing a utube video stating how he thinks its an awesome idea to continue the legacy of Titanic for the current generation blah blah bs. but whichever studio owns the rights (Fox/Disney or Paramount) probably dont even need Camerons permission or blessing lol

could break 2b if done right


No. Her character wasn’t interesting enough to warrant a sequel about her.

And she’s long past her prime so showing her boobs again is pointless. So why bother?


Have Blumhouse acquire the rights and DGG Direct it


Or perhaps Leo ended up surviving in the cold waters and begins to search for Kate however he never was able to locate her, although maybe a few times he came very close



3 and a half hours of Zane and Winslet? Get Jim on the horn and make it happen.


No... 😂 Zane's Character committed suicide during the stock market crash of 1929.


I tried a few queries with ChatGPT but each one of them was not very interesting. I enjoy Titanic but I wouldn't watch any of the stories it came up with.

Maybe just combine Dead Calm with Speed 2, Under Siege and Lost or something. Rose tries to get over her fear of sailing by going on a boat trip with some friends from her privileged circle and they come across a another boat which is damaged and abandoned. Boarding the craft, they find a note saying the crew left the ship for a nearby island, and Rose and co. go and find them.

Arriving at the island, it appears empty but eventually they are stalked and captured and their boat taken over to go and get illegal supplies from their abandoned boat. Rose and co. must break free and take their boat back, but their boat is damaged in the fight and out of control, etc, heading towards the abandoned boat.

A race against time to stop possible collision while getting all the baddies off their boat!


Just persuade James Cameron to direct a Brittanic film it was the twin ship of Titanic that was used as a hospital ship in WWI and it sunk in 1916 near Athens Greece
You can have Di Caprio as captain or doctor or something


Wounded warrior crutches around the ship assaulting nurses.
