Plot Hole?

When Claire finds Emma’s underwear in Solomon’s tool box, she didn’t find this suspicious that Solomon has never been in the laundry room, Emma’s bedroom or has Emma ever said she didn’t have any underwear? My point is that, this doesn’t make any sense. I’ve seen this movie 100 times and I keep thinking, why doesn’t Claire deduce who has access to Emma’s clothes?


No, it wasn't that he was in her room or the laundry room, it was that he may have taken them off of her while she was with him at some point.


No, I understand but, she’s a child and still needs mommy and daddy. Her parents don’t realize until now that she is less 1 pair of underwear? Did they take ANY interest in their children?


I think it was implied that it wasn't that long, a day at least. Also Peyton was seen getting that from the laundry, and Claire trusted Peyton. Besides,considering she was sexually molested recently herself, that might just take over her thinking process. That's also why she didn't bevlieve Emma about Solomon.


Claire had no interest in taking time from her hobby. Trying to find out what happened would have done that. Emma told her mother she was not afraid of Soloman, and Claire just ignored her. She didn't even bother to ask Emma if Soloman ever touched her, she just went for the easiest and fastest way to handle it.


That was because she was sexually assaulted recently and Peyton encouraged Emma to keep secrets from her. She told Emma after Peyton made "concerns" about Solomon that there shouldn't be any secrets and she would listen to her and Emma ignored her because of what Peyton said. That was another factor in her not believing her daughter. I thought it was rather believable and justified. Peyton was manipulating the situation in her favor.


That was one factor and still, she didn't bother. She spent no time with her own family, then acted jealous of Peyton. Why wasn't she down there playing the game with them? Her telling Peyton she would be "very busy" with her hobby and would have no time for her baby said where her priorities were.
And it sounded like Emma had been a "bother" to her too from the way her husband said, "You don't have to do it all yourself like with Emma" (like millions and millions and millions of women take care of their ow babies).


Yes and I hate plot holes
