Favorite lines/moments

S03E12 “Doubt of the Benefit” When Beverly and Artie are suggesting charity events to Larry, one comes up that involves a three-legged race that has been previously established as a “sport” Larry takes oddly seriously. When Beverly mentions this year his partner would be Molly Ringwald, he asks “Is she athletic?” Beverly: “I don’t think so.” Larry: “Pass.”


S04E16 “Eight”

Mandy Patinkin refusing to do a “battle of the network hospital dramas” sketch with Noah Wylie and getting increasingly heated, culminating in “Noah, you’re acting like a fucking two year old!”

S05E01 “Everybody Loves Larry”

David Duchovny’s man-crush on Larry. He calls him every single day.


S06E10 “Putting the ‘Gay’ Back in Litigation”

Not funny, but Illeana Douglas’s confrontation with Larry after the taping of the show was surprisingly touching. She really nails the scene with her acting chops, making Larry’s tiny revelation of vulnerability all the more poignant.

S06E11 “Flip”

Due to far too many recent examples to name, this finale reminded me that they used to know how to end an f’ing series.

Highlights: the backstage petty fight between Tom Petty, Clint Black and Greg Kinnear, Larry’s farewell speech and Larry, Artie and Hank’s final scene. *chef’s kiss
