MovieChat Forums > Edward Scissorhands (1990) Discussion > Did this movie kick off the Gothic look?

Did this movie kick off the Gothic look?

Just wondering


No, this movie did not kick off the Gothic look. It played off the already existing Goth movement and it's general look. Gothiness became well established as a musical & fashion cult following aroung 1980. This movie was 10 years after that. In the trivia you'll see how Burton crafted the character of Edward after his favorite musician at the time, Robert Smith of the Cure. I guess by now most everyone in the world knows who Robert Smith is. The band was very popular by 1990 and have since become, well, a mainstay of what was once "alternative/goth/college radio/post-modern/new dark wave" yadah yadah I think it became so mainstream as an accepted alternative (like hippies did in the 70s? maybe) that it's no longer controversial? I can't be sure. After Marilyn Manson and the Interview with the Vampire (the dreaded movie franchise) goth went worldwide mainstream and all bets were off. Let's not talk about that more recent vampire-themed franchise. It make me wish Vincent Price were still alive to comment on it. Oooh boy. I can only wonder what he would have made of a world with Hot Topics in malls. Smile or sneer? Cackle or scoff? You can always Google
Robert Smith and the Cure if you don't know who they are in musical/style history. Oh yeah, the band Bauhaus, too (that official site seems to have gone bye-bye this year, but check Facebook for some fan sites). The Cure are still going strong


I remember some kids starting to dress 'goth-like' in about 1983 at my small liberal arts college. They were anti-social types who listened to Bowie, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed. They were sort of an off shoot of punk.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


I think Siouxsie Sioux started a lot of it.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


Lol, nope. Not even close.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


Seriously? "Not even close?" WTF are you even talking about.

I know people love to act like they know The Real Goth Story and everyone else is clueless but I lived through it.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


Tea Bunny, I lived through it as well. Its not really that hard to describe the origins of Goth, in terms of music and a youth culture phenomenon. The confusion comes when everyone claims that their own personal favorite bands were responsible.

Its not a stretch to say the first two bands which brought Goth to the mainstream were Bauhaus and Joy Division. The Cure was responsible for making Goth very popular in the mainstream in the 80s

But the main influences for these bands were mainly David Bowie and to a lesser extent bands like The Velvet Underground, Iggy Pop, NY Dolls and Lou Reed. These acts didn't create Goth, but the created a rebellion within youth culture and music, against the mainstream of 60's rock, i.e. The Beatles, etc. This rebellion branched out into punk, glitter rock/glam rock, new wave, and Goth. This 'rebellion' was androgynous, and anti-traditional sexuality at its core.

I was at a small, elite liberal arts college in 1981-82. This is when I first saw Goth influence. By 1983, there were full fledged Goth kids listening to Bauhaus.

Bauhaus has paid quite a bit of tribute to David Bowie, and have even said that Bowie was the father of Goth.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


Saying that Siouxsie "wasn't even close" to defining goth fashion is just ignorant. She was dressing and makeup-ing in the style adopted by modern Goths back in the mid-70's. That is what we are talking about here. The Cure was later.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


Perhaps, I just don't remember Siouxsie being very prevalent in those days, 1981-82, while Bauhaus was absolutely huge. I don't think Goth was manifested in mainstream culture until the early 80s, although it obviously had its roots and origins in the 70s.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


So then maybe you shouldn't say, "LOL nope not even close" when you don't even know who one of the great Goth music pioneers is.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


I was fully aware of who they were, I just didn't think they were as influential as others mentioned. I know Bowie sort of gets credit for everything, but I think he is the key influence here as well.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


Robert Smith was a part of Siouxsie and the Banshees at a certain point while playing with The Cure simultaneously. Siouxsie and the Banshees were only about two years older than The Cure as a band so I'm not sure what you mean by later unless you mean Smith's look, which evolved with some time.


Robert Smith wasn't a official part of Siouxsie and the Banshees. The Cure were on tour with Siouxsie and the Banshees in 1979 when Banshees guitarist John McKay and drummer Kenny Morris quit, Smith agreed to play guitar for The Banshees with Slits drummer Budgie on drums so they could finish the tour.


But it was Smiths time with the Banshess that started him off with the silly hair and make up, he wanted to be Siouxsie, she inspired him. Prior to that both the Cure and Banshess were part of the post-punk movment.

Goth pretty much came from the punk scene. (once that had run it's course)

In my opinion it was The Dammed that started it all.


Why do youngsters always think that the universe began when they did.

Things did exist before you were born and goths are just one of them.


The Gothic "look" was well-established before the film. Burton's previous "Batman" film is a good example of that. In fact, if you want to you could say that Gothic Look was kicked off in the 1920 by the German Expressionist movement.


Dave Vanian of The Damned started the goth look.

There was no "goth" look back then, he was a vampire. A sun dodger. "Wait for the Blackout" and all that. He married the goth queen, Patricia Morrison.

Depp completely stole his look for Sweeney Todd.


I love the OP on this, great question, but the first reply was right on the money, this was, after Beetlejuice, how Burton became the Goth's own Orson Welles.

And in a way, the Beatniks were the first Goths.

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Hell, didn't KISS sort of employ a Gothic look?


Screaming Lord Sutch, was pretty much Dave Vanian in the 60s.


The Addams Family and Hammer House of Horror in the 60s did, I'd say.


If anything it ended it.

The '80s was the most Gothic decade.
