MovieChat Forums > Dances with Wolves (1990) Discussion > The Sioux sure had better teeth

The Sioux sure had better teeth

A century ago than all indigenous peoples have today. Better hair styles too!


Haha, I know that this is an old post, but I came here to say just that. I loved the movie and the only thing really standing out for me was the girl's perfect with teeth. :D


it IS a fact that dental caries (cavities) were far less common in most of the American Indian populations than in European-descended people during this time. Dietary differences are thought by some to be the reason. Besides, if you look closely at the mouth of Ten Bears in several of the scenes, you will clearly see that he is missing numerous teeth.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Yeah, I imagine that this is true. Sugar is the key. I was going to say that I am a medievalist, and excavations from Anglo-Saxon era sites (600-800) in England, before sugar was introduced into the English diet, have shown that people retained most of their teeth until death -- in fact they had remarkably straight and healthy teeth considering the total lack of dentistry (and these were older adults of 60s plus in age when they died). After sugar -- post the Renaissance -- Europeans started suffering from terrible dental problems.

"Hearts and kidneys are tinker toys! I am talking about the central nervous system!"


That's terrible. We are not fully aware about how diet and especially sugar affects our health. This is a very good exemple. If people back then had better teeth despite not having the same means to clean them, it says a lot.


E X A C T L Y !!! The Indians almost throughout the North American continent had warmer, dryer sleeping quarters, and a better diet, more natural, more varied and more calories than the Europeans. Maybe that is why they made the settlers so mad. Everyone who lived with the Native Americans preferred it there, even Europeans who were kidnapped and adopted as members of the tribe.


And childhood obesity, it seems.


Such is the case with Alaska Natives where I live. Many of them have horrid teeth from sugar, processed foods, and alcohol, but over a century ago and before, they had some of the nicest teeth on Earth. Only sugar they ate in their lives were the seasonal berries that grew on the tundra.


Many tribes have good teeth actually, it's sugar that destroys ours.


The Sioux were an apex hunter gatherer society. Food was plentiful and their health was excellent. Buffalo, fish, berries, deer, etc.


for sure
