MovieChat Forums > Turner & Hooch (1989) Discussion > are french mastiffs a good dog to have??

are french mastiffs a good dog to have??

I would really love to own one, I have always had staffies but would really love one of these dogs, do they take a lot of looking after? are they expensive? do they have many health problems? if anyone owns one I would love to hear from you:)


The Dogue de Bordeaux is a beautiful animal. Probably cost's more than your average pedigree Arabian horse. A big dog can eat your furniture and your neighbor's children. I once had a Neapolitan Mastiff that cost me ~$100K in out of pocket damages. No children were eaten but several faces scarred. Most of my of expensive teak furniture was also turned into splinters. Big dogs? Love 'em! No mas!

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


Why would anyone want a hooch? They are incredibly ugly and the drool...



I knew a veterinarian who had one and finally had to rehome him because he was so difficult. And she knew what she was getting into!


no way - purely for the drool YEEEUUUUUCKK!

No power in the verse can stop me


NO NO NO! They are drollers hard to control and aggressive like no one else ...
if you want a good dog get a German shepherd


Not trying to sound rude but coming on a movie message board to ask for advice / feedback regarding Dogue de Boardeux's is really silly. If you ate interested in the breed do some research on them via Google and also by joining the breed specific forums and groups that are around. You can find out a lot of information regarding the health issues that affect the breed, their temperament and drives, what a typical WELL BRED puppy is going to cost and so on. Since I am already talking about this then I'd also like to suggest that you learn the difference between a GOOD responsible and reputable breeder versus a BAD backyard breeder who just churns out pups to make a buck.
Also, I am not an owner of any DdB's but I can tell you from what I see they are DROOLERS, probably a gassy type breed due to all the air they take in (due to their lack of a nose), they will require a LOT of food and due to their size they'll need consistent obedience training from day one.


Yes and yes...not sure about the health problems, although I'm sure hip dyspepsia is an issue. These are the kind of dogs that need a job--you don't want a board mastiff on your hands. And yes they drool a LOT and probably snore.

Forget the purebreds. Go down to the shelter and save a life. But don't adopt if you don't have the time/money to be with them and take care of them.


We own an Olde English Bulldogge and have many of the same issues with our pet. The gas issue is fairly potent. No hip dysplasia issues yet but we anticipate them in the future. Snoring loudly, excessive drooling....YES and YES!


They drool all over everything (Seriously, expect your furniture to be COATED in it), and are bred to be unhealthily overweight etc. - short life span. A more fit breed (or mix) would be much healthier.

I think a bull mastiff is a better choice if you like that 'look'.
