Real South Africa

Take a look at this video and see what real South Africa is 20 years after this movie was made:

Are you happy now, Donner? Why don't you move there now that the evil apartheid is gone and love and peace reign supreme.

South Africa is the world's capital of murder, rape and AIDS. And FIFA is holding a World Cup in that hellhole this year. Where will they do the next one, then? Antarctica? The Moon? Unpredictable are the minds of madmen so you never know.


So, Richard Donner is responsible for the state South Africa finds itself in?

That's quite original trolling and funny too!

Well done

Thought I was havin' trouble with my adding. It's all right now


Another sad troll displaying his wisdom. Donner is guilty of making a stupid, racist movie and having no clue what he was talking about. It would be worthwhile to help him realize these things. Anyway, why am I trying to explain this to a troll? Waste of time.
Anyway, why don't you share your wisdom and a good laugh with her here: c2fbf61b70010a1a5da


Blaming Donner for what happened in South Africa, blaming Churchill for WW2 and not're either a troll or a moron. I choose the latter. Now go and play with the traffic on the freeway and give us all a break.


Don't worry about it, boy, no one's expecting you to understand Einstein's formulas either. Don't strain your brain lest it explodes. Now why don't you go ask someone to change your diaper?


Since you mention Einstein's formulae (correct plural), care to discuss them? You start. That should fill less than a microsecond. Relatively speaking.


You got nothing better to do than cause trouble? But then, since you're a troll, the answer is obvious.
Why don't we start with basic arithmetic instead? And then, after a few years, we'll see how that's going and maybe go on to more complicated stuff. But I don't work for free.

Now please spell check this if you'd be so kind.


Welcome to ignore, troll.


Typical. Denial of reality.


I'm enjoying the World Cup and have yet to see any "hellhole", try again troll boy.

Thought I was havin' trouble with my adding. It's all right now


::I'm enjoying the World Cup and have yet to see any "hellhole", try again troll boy.

Ignorant little blind trolls are quite common.



I don't personally like any of the Lethal Weapon movies because, among other reasons, of the racism disguised as an holier-than-thou politically correct attitude, which is in fact a very aggressive, almost manic, fact-despising, in-your-face sort of vomit-inducing drivel and you've got to be blind not to see through it. Donner is shooting for a quick and cheap standing ovation every single time. Perhaps he's too dumb to realize he's making himself look like a completely ignorant and racist halfwit.


Hey, c'mon...not all the Lethal Weapon films are guilty of anti-white racism. The first doesn't have any, and it's BY FAR the best movie in the franchise anyway. So condemn the sequels all you want, they're not that good anyway, but don't lump the first one in with them here.


OP: What an idiotic post. There was nothing racist about Lethal Weapon 2. It was anti-apartheid, which most Americans were at the time (if you believe nearly every opinion poll from that time). Apartheid was evil, regardless of what happened in South Africa after it collapsed. If you go to the former East Bloc countries, you'll be able to find crime, drug addiction, corruption, poverty, etc., but that doesn't mean communism was good. South Africa has entered into a new chapter of its history and it has problems. But apartheid has joined fascism and communism and Jim Crow segregation in the rubbish heap of history, where those wretched systems all belong. Deal with it and move on.

"You can dish it out, but you got so you can't take it no more." - Caesar Enrico Bandello


Funny that you mention communism in Russia, because the EXACT same thing happened there as in South Africa. The original system was oppressive, yes, but the world pushed so hard for change that they forced the country into an overly hasty transition that has now plunged it into becoming crime ridden and lawless.


You sir are a troll. Anyone that thinks people like to be treated as slaves is a racist.

