MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon (1987) Discussion > Why is Die Hard automatically thought of...

Why is Die Hard automatically thought of as a great Christmas movie?

Yet, Lethal Weapon never gets ANY recognition as an equally good (and in my opinion, better) Christmas movie? Both are great movies, but Lethal Weapon is better for sure.


Maybe part of the reason is Die Hard still feels quite modern/timeless (the near T2 type look of the film, the fashions/hair arent too dated, the incredible action scenes, the score, the epic scale of the building and just the concept of the movie - Towering Inferno meets high concept near 90s action). Lethal Weapon feels more of the 80s era (the fashions/Riggs' mullet, the cars, streets, Rogers home/TV etc, sax score, the plot/action feels 80s with drug runners).

And Christmas wise Lethal Weapon seems to take place all over sunny LA, whereas Die Hard mainly takes place at night in that ice cool looking building (and there just seems to be more Christmas stuff going on than in LW)


Great post :)


Personally, earlier this year when watching this movie for the first time in years, I forgot halfway in that it took place at Christmas and didn't remember til the 2 main characters crash into a house and into a Christmas tree. Personally though I like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon, I tend to more watch them in summer. December for me is a time for traditional Christmas movies like A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, and Miracle on 34th Street.


Lethal Weapon is the "It's a Wonderful Life" of action movies.


Christmas songs of course!

It ain't Christmas movie without Christmas songs.

Both are great movies, but Lethal Weapon is better for sure.

I totally disagree. Die hard was something new at the time, a lot of copycat movies followed. Lethal Weapon got only sequels, nothing more. It is not like there weren't black and white buddy cop movies before.


Die Hard basically hammer in that it is Christmas. Already in the first minutes its mentioned several times and then of course the big christmas party. So everyone knows. Shane Blacks Christmas is always more subtile, even Iron Man 3 is set on Christmas. But if I wouldn't know its a Shane Black movie, I wouldn't know its set around Christmas.


Christians don't think of Die Hard or Lethal Weapon as Christmas movies, only smug atheist douchebags do. It is offensive.


It's laughable how can anyone claim that both Die Hard and Lethal Weapon are Christmas movies.

Neither of them are Christmas movies at all.
