MovieChat Forums > Out of Africa (1985) Discussion > change in aspect ratio during opening ti...

change in aspect ratio during opening titles

Anybody else notice this? Anybody know why?


Explain, please.


The first 4½ minutes of the film (in Denmark) are in 1.85 ratio, but when it cuts to Africa with the train and the opening credits begin, the picture goes to something like 1.66 ratio (there's empty black space at the sides of the picture). But as soon as the last credit has been on, it reverts back to 1.85 again and the picture fills the screen from side to side.


If it was broadcasted from a TV network (instead of a DVD), then the fault may lie with the network. I know about 6+ years ago, things were happening with my TV screen, when watching TV shows broadcasted from channels and/or networks. Sometimes instead of seeing the person's face, they'd show the wall, completely missing the actor. (This was a show I'd seen years before with no problem). So, it doesn't sound like a DVD problem. If it is a TV channel watch it again, and see what happens.
It's supposed to be in 1.85:1
I found no other info on the aspect ratio.


No this is a DVD. There have been films made where the aspect ratio shifts during the film on purpose (Redford's "The Horse Whisperer" for example, though that was a stylistic decision and the picture intentionally got wider when the story cut to the wide open spaces of Montana), but that's not the case here. It's quite bizarre and there seems to be absolutely no need for it.


That is odd! Check the DVDs menu, perhaps it can be adjusted there. You could send the distributor an email about the problem. I'm all out of suggestions. Sorry!


It can't be adjusted from the DVD menu. It's obviously part of the film, but I was just wondering if anyone knew why.


The blu ray, retains the standard 1:85aspect ratio, during the open credits. For the vhs and original dvd versions, it could have been the way the image was cropped, on the telecine 35mm or 70mm, print that was used to master the copies at the time. They could have reduced\compressed it in size slightly, to retain the whole image. It may have also been an error made, with the technician who was processing the image and they just had to go with it, due to cost factor.

I have noticed on GREASE-78', both dvd and blu ray, the 'animated' open credits retain the scope 2:35 image, yet the image is shrunk slightly and is not flush to the edges of the screen for some reason.


Read the trivia section


This is due to you not actually getting a 1:85:1 aspect ratio from DVD'S. You actually get a 1:78:1 aspect ratio and you lose 5% of the image. They reduce the size of the image so that none of the credits will be cut out as some of the names will be on the extreme left and right of the image.


no, that's not it. A ratio of 1.78:1 would fill the screen top to bottom and left to right because that is the standard size ratio of television screens now (I have several 1.78 ratio DVDs because it is the standard for most televison shows these days). The majority of this DVD is in the correct 1.85 ratio and you can see this is the case with very narrow black bars at the top and bottom of the screen, just like every other 1.85 DVD I have (and no bars at the sides). None of the credits are on the extreme left or right of the screen so there was no need for this to be done. The only reason I can think of was that the opening credits were filmed in 65mm or something whereas the rest of the film was done in 35mm, and therefore there is a noticeable crop because the aspect ratio wasn't adjusted during DVD mastering. There is a similar effect on the DVD of 2010: The Year We Make Contact, whenever the space scenes with special effects are on screen (the space scenes were filmed in 65mm, the rest in 35mm). They corrected it for the blu-ray release of 2010 though.
