MovieChat Forums > The Man with One Red Shoe (1985) Discussion > does Tom Hanks really play violin?

does Tom Hanks really play violin?

He plays a violinist in this movie. I have seen actors pretending to play violin in movies which look so fake. But Tom Hanks is good, looking like he is a real violin player. Does anyone know the fact?


He does play the pieces in the movie, that is all he had learned. He otherwise does not play the violin.


really? because i am a violin player also and i have to say that Tom Hanks was playing very convincing vibrato, among many other difficult techniques while playing his pieces. it would take at least 3+ years to master that kind of playing.

"I'm disinclined to acquiese to your request...Means no"


not to mention, Tom Hanks is the greatest actor ever, he can do anything!



Tom Hanks is awesome, but even he couldn't save this movie from bland mediocrity.


I have to agree with Julie. I'm not a violin player but I've been around enough of them to know that he must be really playing. The last note he plays, his bow moves both down and back up without a hitch, something I could never figure out when I took violin lessons!!


Hanks probably learned the piece well enough to make the fingering look realistic (think 1st year violin student) but the 'real' music was probably laid-in over his.

"It needs more cow-bell"


He is really playing the violin in the movie. It was not dubbed over later (from the special features on the dvd).




Well, during the concert sequence it was a part of Scheherazade, by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Hence one of my favorite lines in the movie, "Tonight we are playing Scheherazade. Would you care to join us?" There are tidbits of the first three movements. Comedy aside, it really is a beautiful composition.

If you are referring to "Maddy's Love Theme," I am not really sure. IMDB credits Michael Masser as being the composer. I think it was written specifically for the film.

The music was really great in this film. It's a shame a soundtrack was never released.


In the concert sequence, there's no way he's really playing it.

Although he did seem to posses the technique of perhaps an "advanced beginner" his bow grip was tight, and his vibrato was WAAAAY off. He just wiggled his fingers. The actual player was using a lovely full-arm vibrato.

But yeah, he faked it really well.
