Douglas + Turner off screen?

Was Michael Douglas & Katheleen Turner more then just friends? Douglas was having bad time at home at the time of production the movie.Was he having his own sequel with Turner? Rumor was they were seeing each other during both movies off screen.I heard that Catherine Zeta Jones does not like Turner to this day,something like I don't like your old girlfriend.Like father like son.


Yes i also heard that they had a little something going on and i once read that Michael said Kathleen played a very important role in his life at that time. Mind you i can see why something could have happended they were both very attractive people.


They've both fairly recently (within the last 2 years) admitted to having had an affair. Douglas admitted in a documentary done by Lee Grant that "Kathleen was a very important part of my life," and that they "carried on like bandits on-screen and off." He justified this by saying that he was separated from his then wife, Diandra. Turner was more tight-lipped, however. But she claims to have really fallen for him at the time they were making "Romancing." After they finished shooting she met and married her husband (just prior to "Jewel") so I doubt they continued any sort of relationship during the filming of Jewel of the Nile.

"Michael? Were you out on the boat today kissing your brain?"


Their chemistry was fantastic in the films, so I guess I'm not surprised. I never tire of watching either film.

Why ain't you at the garden party you heathen?



Kathleen said in her book, that her and Michael did have a thing during Romancing the stone. She said that he was separated at the time, and she was single, so what the hell, no harm done. The only problem was that she felt herself falling in love with michael. His wife came for a visit to try and reconcile with him and Kathleen realized that Michael was not free to pursue the relationship, so she ended it. I think Kathleen knew that it would be bad for her career and his. She would be known as a homewrecker.



good point!


true, but it's important to remember that at the time (in 83, 84) both Douglas and Turner were not the established, accomplished stars that they are today. although Michael was an academy award winning producer, he was not yet recognized as a prominent actor. Turner, too, had had success in Body Heat but was not a bona fide movie star until after the huge critical/commercial popularity of Romancing. I think they were both teetering on the brink of success and an affair could have meant ruin for one or both of them. Jolie and Pitt are both established and well know/well liked actors. I think the difference lies mostly in that fact.

"Michael? Were you out on the boat today kissing your brain?"
