MovieChat Forums > The Jewel of the Nile (1985) Discussion > Would you want to see another Jack Colto...

Would you want to see another Jack Colton movie?

With Hollywood running out of original ideas and with Hollywood greenlighting stupid screenplays, Fox has overlooked that the "Stone" films never flopped and were very popular. They were the alternate "Indiana Jones" films and did very well. There hasn't been movies like these in a long, long time. We're all waiting on an "Indy 4" but it's sure to be the last one. However, these "Stone" films are based on the stories of Joan Wilder and stories can run forever.


I heard that there was a third film in "talks", but it never got the greenlight from the studio. While I would love another movie, I doubt that Hollywood would allow Kathleen and Michael to return because they would be considered "too old" to reprise their roles; or else, they would pair Michael with a young actress like Keira Knightley or Scarlett Johansson.

Everyone dies but not everyone gets to live.


They could always go the old mentor angle. Colton could lead his daughter(Knightley or whoever) and her wussy generation Y husband(any actor under 30 will do)out of a botched honey moon in the Amazon. Ah yes.


yes, another jack colton movie, please!!!! i would love to go see another movie with michael douglas, kathleen turner and danny devito! it could be a story where jack colton and joan wilder are happily married and they get a visit from danny devito who is after a stone and suspects colton of trying to collect it. he is not , but once hearing about it he cant help himself and he and joan go after another elusive stone!! i love romancing the stone. one of the best movies of the 80's. long live jack colton and joan wilder!!!!


Yes Yes indeed, I would pay to see this.. in fact why arn't youwriting for Fox.. this actually has some merit.. if done right it could work...


i would love to see another flim but i dont want this movie to be redone and i definetly dont want then to cut kathleen turner out of it. i would refuse to see it.


Oh yeah. What I loved about Romancing was the sense of adventure, something only few other movies have managed to accomplish the same way. Even newer adventure movies just fail to bring the same charm and style as it did. Bringing back Zemeckis, Douglas and Silvestri would be awesome. Not sure about Turner's capabilities to do another one, mostly thinking about her disease. I'd love to see it happen though. With Ford doing Indy 4 which would probably be more physically demanding than the Stone, it wouldn't be impossible.

Although, chances for it to happen by now is next to nothing I fear.


simply put, YES


No thank you. BUT it would be great if they made new adventure movies like The Jewel of the Nile. I realy miss movies like that.


Actually, a third one was in preproduction, it was called "The Chrimson Eagle". However, due to Jewel of the Nile not being as successful as they hoped, it was never produced. Also, Kathleen Turner did not want to do any more in the series, she had actually tried to pull out of the second one.


I would if the plot was believable. It should go like this: Jack and Joan are long since married and raising a family; Jack has his own business (not sure what kind) and Joan is still a best-selling romance novelist -- only now she writes on a laptop, not a typewriter!! One day they get an email from Danny DeVito and...well, that's up to a screenwriter.

I always wondered why, in RTS, Joan was pictured using a typewriter! It was released in 1984, and word processors were in common use at that time. She couldn't have used one on the boat in JOTN, so a typewriter made sense there. I always loved the scene where she chucked it overboard.


"However, these "Stone" films are based on the stories of Joan Wilder and stories can run forever. "

That is a good idea. I'm amazed the Hollywood executives didn't jump on that. You wouldn't even need to have the original actors and actresses. Just promote the movies as based on a Joan Wilder novel. Good call!

Live Long and Prosper!


Hey if Stallone, Willis, and Ford can do sequels many YEARS later, so should Douglas!

"Does it look like I give a damn?" - James Bond
