A bit slow...

I'm watching this right now. I had seen bits and pieces of it over the years, but I've never seen the entire thing in one sitting.

It starts off with Jason killing people in a hospital... Well, I saw that before in Halloween 2 and it was done MUCH better in that film.

There's a chubby girl hitchhiker that gets killed in the beginning of the film. The protagonists (if you can call the unlikeable teens in this film that) don't pick her up, drive by and make fun of her and then Jason comes and kills her. Okay, so not only is the girl overweight, and unwanted (for the sole reason that she isn't a vapid looking playboy model) she's also killed off meaninglessly. Then we barely see Jason until the very ending of the film.

I did like Corey Feldman in this. When he was a kid, he had real acting chops... as an adult- he didn't, but I felt that so much more could have been done with him. He's just kind of a background character until the end. I mean, he's there, but he doesn't really do anything. The rest of the film (which really should have been centered around him and Jason) revolves around teen sex. It's a shame, as the idea of Jason having a nemesis that he can't kill despite trying and trying is a really great idea. This film and the one that came after it are (to me) a missed opportunity for greatness.


Thank god this was the final chapter and they finished this crap back in '84!
