MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Discussion > Good movie with terrible action sequence...

Good movie with terrible action sequences

This whole series is marked by horrible action sequences. The shootout scenes are comically bad, and really bring the movies down. They're also completely unnecessary, or completely excessive, IMO. I'm supposed to believe that 3 guys with handguns and a couple shotguns are going to take down 30+ with machine guns? And reloading is only necessary for dramatic effect. Bad guys can't hit a barn if they're standing inside it; good guys can pick off a shooter at 50 yards with a handgun.

Whose influence was it that shoehorned these awful scenes into otherwise decent movies?


The gun fight continued without much casualties. The bad guys didn't surrender until police backup arrived.

I got nothing against the action scenes.


Standard 80's action scenes


I loved the action scenes! They weren't too overdone, or too unrealistic. Sure, the good guys would have likely been hit a few times during the ending, but this is a MOVIE, and a comedy from the 80's, so some liberties were taken.

The ending with Victor getting killed was pretty spot on!

I hope part four is close to as good as the original.


As someone who's done a bit of shooting... yeah, a guy who's trained with a pistol is more accurate than a guy shooting a submachine gun off the hip. Why would that be so hard to believe?


Why do cynical people even bother watching movies or any other kind of entertainment?


Beg the question much?


The action sequences from Beverly Hills Cop were copied by almost every cop action movie for the rest of the 1980s. Even Fletch seemed to be influenced.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


The action sequences from Beverly Hills Cop were copied by almost every cop action movie for the rest of the 1980s. Even Fletch seemed to be influenced.

Even Jackie Chan's Police Story was influenced by it:


Love police story



If you thought these action sequences were unrealistic for an action movie, I'm curious as to what type of action film you do enjoy.


have you seen Commando?


They're not spectacular, but are they entertaining? Yes, very much.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
