i peel you banana (i feel you Johanna)

ok so i cant find the original thread anymore but i remember reading a thread with the idea of taking "Johanna" and making it about bananas, i saw someone start it, so i got his or her permission and finished it. im making a youtube video out of it soon so look out for it. well here it is! respect my creativity, and dont steal my idea!!!!!!!!!


A: (In a dreamlike state with a banana) I peel you banana! I peel you.
Do they think produce can hide you? Even now I’m in your aisle.
I am near the grapes beside you!
Sniffing sweetly in your perfumed air!

(Anthony comes out of dream to realize he had no banana, and is somewhere in the supermarket. He begins to walk around looking for the produce aisle)


T: (In a car driving to the supermarket) and are you beautiful and bright, with yellow skin, like her? I’d want you beautiful and bright, they way I craved you were, banana…

A: (Searching) Banana…..

T: And if you’re beautiful, what then, with yellow skin, like wheat? I think I shall not eat again without another sweet banana.

A: I peel you, banana…

T: Goodbye, banana. You’re gone but yet you’re ripe. So ripe, banana, so ripe….

A: Banana…

BW: (Enters the store with cart, walking furiously with it.) Peach! Peach! Fruit of the devil. Fruit of the devil. Produce on fire! (Sees watermelons) Water! Melons? (Looks away disgusted) Smell it sir, a fruity smell, every day at the markets bell, fruit that comes from the tree of hell! Produce on fire! Produce on fire! Mischief! Mischief! Mischief!

T: (Getting out of the car and heading towards the market) and if I’m hungry once again, my potassium filled friend, it’s you, it’s you on who I can and always will depend, banana.

J: (Back home with empty bowl and a carton of ice cream) …I’ll make an ice cream sundae. Banana… sundae

A: I peel you, Banana…

T: (Arriving at the produce section) and in that produce section filled with what I can’t forget. It’s always this one fruit that I will only ever get, (Finds banana and holds it up) banana!

J: (Staring at the empty banana basket) I knew that we’d run out one day, we’d run out one day.

T: (Heading towards the cashier section while eating a banana) you taste, banana, so sweet, I’m glad you’re mine. Oh, look! Banana, no line!

A: Sniffing sweetly in your perfumed air.

T: First spot is mine!

BW: (Pointing at a peach) There! There! Somebody look up at that peach! Looks so good but I can’t reach! Produce on fire! (Grabs random person) QUICK! Sir, run and tell. Tell ‘em all of the peaches smell, there it is, there it is, that delicious smell. Tell it to the people and their dogs as well! TELL ‘EM! TELL’EM! HELP! PEACH! PEACHES ON FIRE!!! PRODUCE ON FIRE!!! Peaches! Peaches! Peaches! See? (Pointing to the peaches) ALL MINE!!! (Squishes two in her hands, breathing heavily)

T: (In car eyeing his newly bought bananas) and now that you and I are one, or make that five, (Speaks) oh well…. (Sings) You’re all so beautiful that I can never really tell, bananas…

A: banana (Finds the produce section)

J: (Looking out through the window as if depressed) with ice cream you’ll be a Sundae, delicious sundae… (Sees Todd pull into the drive way)

T: (Pulls in gets out of car) Yes, you’re all beautiful and all look good enough to eat. In just a moment you’ll be sliced and will accept defeat, bananas!

J: (Both going into the house) Now we can make our sundae!

A: I peel you banana… (Picking up a banana)

J: Let’s make our sundae! (Into kitchen)

T: (Cutting bananas into the sundae and is ready to eat it) Wake up bananas! You’ll make a fine sundae. We learn bananas to say… (Swallows) goodbye…

A: I’ll peel you! (Peels banana)

Manager: THEIF!!!

(Anthony gets tackled by manager for stealing)


What'cha Think?


lOLOL omg hilarious!

XD "Peach! Peach! fruit of the devil!"


God that's Good!

I laughed my ass off, seriously :P
Very clever!



I~O #10

Here's to being an "us" for once, instead of a "them"! LA VIE BOHEME!


Oh, jolly good show. *applauds*


hahahha!!!!!!!! That's amazing!!! I love it! =)
Wow, that must have been hard to fit it in, word-wise... But yes great job, it's really clever and I loved it.

Poor Miss Taylor indeed, it is Mr. Elton who deserves our pity!


I agree, very clever and so fun.

Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.


send it in, Director4697, that was good

Hey baby, want to go black and make a difficult decision regarding whether or not to go back?


Now I want a banana.

Pretty darn funny!

"Always harping on that bloody old judge. We've got ourselves a nice respectable business!"



That is actually amazing.
I want to record it.

"To the north, where we do what we want."

