George, Len or Michael

Hey other Sweeney fanatics, tell me what you think do you perfer George, Len or Michael. Me personally its goes Michael, George, then Len. I enjoyed Michael in The Who's Tommy and then when he played the part of Todd he just emitted this creepy personae about him that was just unforgettable. Now don't get me wrong Georger Hearn nearly made me wet myself when he sang "Epiphany" but Michael just really sold the show for me.


For me, it goes George, then Len (only slightly behind George), and then Michael, who is way behind both of them.

First, I'll take this milk.

Then I'll take your VIRGINITY!!!!


I agree. For me, George and Len are tied, Michael trailing behind in the back. I just think he didn't bring the same spirit to Sweeney that George and Len portrayed so well.

And the bald head, that's like, a huge flaw for me. I can't imagine a real Sweeney with a bald head.

Not to say Michael isn't a fine actor, but compared to the other two, he's weaker.

Fosca: A love I may regret, but one I can't forget.


For me it's George,Michael,Len....

George IS Sweeney.Michael was just cool despite the lack of classic oomph.Len?Only saw a little bit of his performance...very good,but i don't know why I don't like originals(THAT'S ORIGINAL SHOWS,NOT LEN!).

You got IT...and you can keep IT.
-Chico(Monkey Business).


Michael's my favorite acting wise, George's my favorite singing wise. Then again I haven't really seen or heard much of Len.


Michael, George, Len.


Michael, George, Len. George overacts too much at times, while Len doesn't act crazy enough. Michael is the perfect medium.


I've always loved Michael so much! I go Michael, George and then Len, though I only put him last because I've never heard a version in which he is included. So I guess I jsut prefer Michael over George. I think it's really which one you heard first, who was Sweeney when you fell in love with the musical.


George gets my vote!

Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one.


I'm going to vote for George here. I heard him first and fell in love. :D


George Hearn all the way. I can't listen to the others without saying things like "George would have hit that note better" and things like that. I just think George sings with more emotion.


I liked Len until I saw George's Epithany. I haven't heard enough of Michael.


I love George, but I actually like Len's Epiphany better. I haven't seen him perform it though, I've just heard the recording. So maybe the performance of it isn't good.


George is my favorite. I haven't seen much of Len, but I've heard Michael, and he just lacks the oomph of George. George just has this power to him, and he is exactly how I pictured Sweeney.


George Hearn has the voice of a god.


I'm actually gonna say Len as my favorite. I heard his version first, and have always liked his version of Sweeney. George is a very close second, only because I adore Len's gruff harsh voice more. Michael isn't bad, but I just couldn't get into his performance as much. Not that he himself isn't a good actor, but I felt that George and Len gave Sweeney more emotion and oomph.

House rules, Sammy: driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.


george, michael, THEN len.


i hated len


Hmmm *thinks* This is a very hard, question for me to answer. I think I'll go with George fist, Len second and then Michael. I saw Michael and I completly fell in love with his singing voice. George Hearn brings Sweeney to Life! Len, well. he' was the original wasn't he. Hmm. Anyway

I'd have to do this:

George - Excellent!!!
Len - Excellent!!!
Michael - Amazing too. :)

"And From the dead, there springs a tail that must be told" - LESTAT!


George Hearn is probably the strongest as an actor. I dont think its over the top in any way. I do like Len's singing voice the most, but George Hearn found the perfect way to compensate for this. As a classically trained actor and musical theatre student, I know firsthand how incredibly hard it is to sing and pull off the voice inflections Hearn did. His maniacal roars were probably the source of nightmares for me for weeks. Michael Cerveris IMO is in no way worthy of even being compared to these two geniuses. You cant just just make Todd creepy and call it a job well done. If he's just creepy, you don't feel his pain. The character has to be tragic and heartbreaking, especially at the end during the reprise of The Barber and His Wife. When I saw George Hearn perform that final scene, I cried alot. Granted, the few moments following that were disturbing beyond belief. George Hearn IMO is exactly what Sondheim wanted for the role. He always stated that he wanted actors who could sing, not singers who could act. I believe whole-heartedly that Johnny Depp will be able to bring the spirit of Len Cariou and George Hearn to the big screen. Until then, I'll be compulsively listening to the soundtrack and watching the George Hearn production on DVD.


"Yo, ho! All together! Hoist the colours high! Heave, ho! Thieves and beggars! Never shall we die!"


I despised Cerveris' performance; I thought it was shallow and over-the-top in every imaginable way. Sad because I absolutely loved Patti Lupone's Mrs. Lovett.

Hearn and Cariou are both excellent, but I prefer Cariou's more subtle reading. He doesn't roar; he simmers, and his gruff, world weary baritone is perfect. It sounds like he's singing from beyond the grave.

I really like George Hearn too, though.


For me, GEORGE!!!!! He's so intense! Then it's Len, then Michael.

AT LAST MY ARM IS COMPLETE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romeo, Romeo, la vie sans toi n'est qu'on mot



When I make a list of guys who've played Sweeney it always goes like this:

1. George
2. Everyone else

The man is freakin' unreal.

You are the Devil
We are the D!


For me, Len easily leads the pack.

George Hearn is amazing, but Len has Sweeney in his very soul. You can hear the creeping dank of his bitterness in every syllable. George's bellow and bluster is almost too vital for the character, for what he's been through and what he's been driven to.

It kinda helps too that I love Len's voice.

Michael was ... well, what he seems to be going for doesn't work for me. It's a bit too gimmicky and actorish, I think.
