MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > On a scale of 1-10, how hard would you h...

On a scale of 1-10, how hard would you have let Christopher Reeve in this movie bang you!?

Talk about male perfection! Straight guys: Even you know you'd take one for the team with that stunning specimen! WOOF!


No straight guy would never voluntarily allow any man stick his dick in him - won't happen. Any straight man that says he would is simply not straight. This is quite literally a binary issue here.


true that , doesn't seem to be quite the same for women though


I wonder about that. I once asked my wife if she would ever do something like that (assuming I wasn't around of course) and she said the thought disgusted her, yet too many - what appear to be straight females - do experiment. Unless they're not straight either?

In any case, I can only speak for straight males.


Okay maybe you wouldn't bottom for him but c'mon--surely you'd fellate that 10/10 stud! Handjob?


Nope. Sorry.. LOL


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