MovieChat Forums > A Clockwork Orange (1972) Discussion > Anyone read the book, by Anthony Burgess...

Anyone read the book, by Anthony Burgess?

How is it and how does it compare and contrast with the movie, and which is better - the film or the novel, in your opinion, or are both equally good in their own way?


The movie. In the book, you have to imagine the scene where they strip that chick naked, then gang rape her to the tune of "Singing In The Rain". And if you happen to have just seen a few minutes of "Spy" on TV, there's a very real danger of not being able to think of any woman other than Melissa McCarthy, when you're fantasizing about being Alex in this same scene


How did Melissa McCarthy or even an experiment work on forcing someone not to think of any other woman BUT her, and is it relevant at all to either the film or the book "A Clockwork Orange"?


Lucky Melissa McCarthy, lol :)


I own the book, but haven't got around to reading it yet. I know there's some extra scenes and the ending is different. Apparently the film is pretty faithful so you're probably not missing much.


For one, the girl almost raped by the gang was only 10yo in the book.

Same with the girls from the bookshop Alex had sex with. In the book, they were 10yo girls he drugged and raped.

Kubrick rightfully changed all those characters to be older (not that he would have been allowed to use pre-teen actresses even if he wanted) and the bookstore girls sex scene was changed to be consensual.
