Vampire of Dr. Dracula...

Video search of miami has the German 93 min. print of this "Classic" film. It makes more sense as it is not chopped unmercilessly, as was the USA version. It actually exists (somewhere) as a whopping 133 min uncut print. At least thats the legend.. I believe it may have been THIS version which runs 1 hr 33 min that was misquoted as 133 mins. A small mistake that has sent researchers looking worldwide for an "UNCUT" print. Movie wise.... not bad, not bad at all.. The genesis of late 60's spanish euro-horror that would continue into the 80's. Anytime you can watch a Paul Naschy movie, you are guaranteed to have a good time.. His acting, which,at times can be heavy-handed, is really on the mark here, and this, along with "Horror Rises from the grave", is his best work.


So this movie actually exists?

I thought I'd imagined it. I saw it in Exeter when I was 14, and it was called "Hell's Creatures" and until I saw this, I could find no record of it.

They showed a whole slew of movies with Paul Naschy, and they were wonderful fun.


His best work as Waldemar Danisky role. Without a doubt


I’d really like to see the fully uncut original version.
