Different storyline

I was under the impression that someone became a werewolf if they were bitten by a werewolf-not because they were concieved through a rape. Why was this changed for this film?


I think the director wanted to emphasize that the werewolf was the creation of oppressors. He wasn't so much a victim of nature as the victim of injustices created by a powerful elite, ie the Marques.

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It wasn't changed. There is no rule that the only way to be a werewolf is to be bitten by one. In legend, that was hardly ever how it ever went... usually it was the result of a deal with the Devil or a witch's curse.

Anyways, this film is largely an adaptation of The Werewolf Of Paris, a novel. In it, they speculate that because the birth occured on Christmas Eve and from a rape no less, it was an insult to heaven and would result in some curse. Other factors in the novel had included the rapist being a priest and the baby sharing the last name of a family which possibly produced a werewolf before.


Sounds like my story where the seventh child becomes a werewolf from a witches curse



ActionRocker is correct. In fact almost everything that is "common knowledge" of werewolves today was actually fabricated stuff from Universal's Wolf Man, not from actual werewolf lore.


ActionRocker, iloveya and toddjones are right. And the cause of Oliver Reed's wolf-nature is actually true to folklore, and the idea of a child being born on Christmas becoming monstrous is echoed in vampire lore too, as the two creatures overlap as said by previous posters. Actually folklore it is said that those who suffered from the curse of the werewolf become vampires upon death. It is why Bram Stoker made his count very wolf-like.

Another way to become a werewolf is to drink water from the paw print of a wolf or by summoning the wolf-spirit.

If you are sick of the ''I love Jesus 100% signature'', copy and paste this into your profile!


As a child he had swallowed the blood of a squirrel(maybe rabid although rare)I believe the cause of the "curse" is left open to many possible causes.
