MovieChat Forums > Plein soleil (1960) Discussion > should I watch this or the Matt Damon ve...

should I watch this or the Matt Damon version first?

I currently have The Talented Mr. Ripley on my netflix instant and was thinking of giving it a watch though I just found out about Purple Noon and how universally acclaimed it is. For Someone who hasn't experienced any Tom Ripley in film or general which film should I seek out first?


They are both good, but in different ways. The later version is truer to the book, but Alain Delon might be a better Ripley than Matt Damon.

You could watch them in either order and the only downside would be that the plotting will be less of a surprise the second time round.

I hope you enjoy them both...


I caught this version over halfway through, and was delighted to realize it was an original. I had no idea the Matt Damon version was a remake. I ended up so bored that I changed the channel after 20 minutes, and this was in the thick of the plot. So disappointing! I found Delon's acting completely flat and one-dimensional.

I think Matt Damon did an exceptional job in this role. I saw it in the theater, and he brought to life Ripley's intense desire for acceptance to where you can feel the desperation, his sadness in love, and fear leaping off of the screen all at once. That movie stuck with me because of his performance. Although I cannot stand Gwyneth Paltrow even for a minute, I also thought she portrayed the fragile Marge perfectly.

If anyone else isn't sure which to watch first, I say go with the remake.

Let me breathe, Let me see if my therapist is on speed dial.


French version is better in my opinion


Although the 90s version is not so much a remake as it is a different take on the novel. The stories between the book and the two film versions all have notable differences in character and plot.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Where did your signature come from? I feel completely the same way!

Purple Noon is a superior film to TMR. Paltrow sinks the 99 version of the film IMO. Jude Law is excellent though as well as Blanchett.


I saw Damon's version first before this, and initially preferred the later version. And like you, I was disappointed and bored with Delon's. But I just rewatched it again recently, and it's like I'm seeing it for the first time, and I now love it! LOL! In fact, rewatching it has sparked this Delon Marathon I'm in now. It's becomming quite obsessive really!


The American Friend (Wenders) is worth a look. It's based on Ripley's Game. Dennis Hopper's take on Ripley is different but it works.


This one. Mr. Ripley is worth a watch, but this one is better in every way.


Talented is more accessible. It has more background story. This one is as if it skipped the first chapters.


I find this film much better than TTMR. I watched the two movies and the series back-to-back and then read novel.

TTMR is weak. It was only popular because Damon, Paltrow, and Law were hot commodities at the time.
