Beautiful movie!

I was going to respond to the thread " a horrible movie" but why give it any more credence? The lovely score, story of true love,lots of great themes, besides the gorgeous scenery; what's there not to like? When a movie takes you away from your couch so beautifully to another time and place for the afternoon, it's a good movie!


I absolutely agree with you.

Jeanne, Gloria, Toby, Mitzi, Eleanor (2), Frances, Deborah, Marion, Alice, Darcey - are adorable.


Good comments.


Happy talk.


What's not to like? One, the highly distracting color filters. Two, the unfocused, dreamy pacing of a piece best served by sharp, in the moment pacing. Three, rearranging the order of the scenes from what worked extremely well on stage for no apparent reason. Four, the casting of the too sophisticated Mitzi Gaynor as a homespun nurse from Arkansas (Doris Day, where were you?). Five, casting non-singers in leading singing roles (Cable and DeBecque). Six, dubbing Juanita Hall.


@dmnemaine. I sort of agree with you but how about What's to like? One, There is Nothing Like a Dame. Two, I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair. Three, In love with a wonderful guy.


The OP asked what's not to like. I answered the question. Just pointing out that there are legitimate things in this film not to like.


Agree with the unfortunate use of the filters. Also what's unfortunate is that this was done with optical filters in front of the cameras so the full color scene was never shot. If this had been done in post production, this could have been corrected with a special DVD.

I remember that the first time I saw this movie on TV I thought the station had a couple of bad reels (yes, in the old days they used to run actual film). The next time I saw the film was on a DVD and assumed that there was no good print left anywhere if they had to use these off color reels to make a DVD. I was stunned when I learned that it was an intentional choice the director/filmographer made.

Other than that, great Hollywood classic musical.
