MovieChat Forums > Gigi (1958) Discussion > Is this the worst Academy Award-winning ...

Is this the worst Academy Award-winning Best Picture ever?

It seems to be very lowly rated as a film, yet it won for best picture. I know "The Greatest Show On Earth" was pretty bad too, but I wonder if Gigi is the worst best picture ever?


On the contrary. Most people find it completely charming. The film was not just a critical success at the time of its release but a major commercial one as well. It won 9 academy awards and has continued to be performed, revived, aired frequently on TCM, and reissued on home video every few years to apparently quite good sales. I would say it has decent size fanbase among classic film and musical lovers to this day. Why else would Warner Bros spend so much time and money giving it a lavish high definition restoration a few years ago for a special edition release?

I think much of the film is probably lost on current generations. Particularly millennials who find certain elements of Gigi creepy but gush over movies that deal more directly with sexual aspects like Moulin Rouge. Still, I would rather watch Gigi over and over again than be forced to sit through "Rent" or "Spider-Man Turn Of The Dark" again.


IMHO, the title of worst movie to win a Best Picture Oscar should go to TITANIC.


That makes two of us! I was once obliged to watch Titanic a second time with a date - and I only fully realised then what an insult that movie is to the art of film-making.

In a very close second place, I'd place Argo as the next worst offender as an Oscar-winner, though for very different reasons.

I am not someone gushing over Gigi - I rated it a 7 - but I happily own the DVD, if simply for a few scenes that are highly memorable and charming. But it being the worst of all 'Best Picture' winners? Not even close.

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Thank you, jacko.
Personally, I think the British film A NIGHT TO REMEMBER was far superior to that Cameron turkey.


I think the British film A NIGHT TO REMEMBER was far superior to that Cameron turkey.

I second that!


Seriously? That's a laugh!  You CLEARLY have never seen "The Greatest Show on Earth" and "Crash." THOSE two movies are the worst ever to win the Best Picture Academy Award.


It's in the bottom five, in my opinion, after ROCKY.



It was not exactly a year of strong entries...


The Defiant Ones was a really good movie and should have won from the 5 nominees (Vertigo is by far the best movie of 1958)..

Gigi probably was the weakest of the 5 movies nominated that year


I absolutely love Gigi. I think "Shakespeare in Love" is MUCH worse than Gigi as is The English Patient, Around the World in 80 Days, and Rocky (I can't even get through that whole movie...and I've tried multiple times!)


Totally agree with you. I am especially irritated that Shakespeare in Love won over Elizabeth (...and Cate Blanchette lost to Gwyneth Paltrow!!!); and Rocky won over Network (a movie relevant to today's TV News.)


Gigi is the 51st Oscar winner I've watched....

Worst 5 -
Out of Africa (boring)
West Side Story (very poor acting - not believable)
Lawrence of Arabia (boring, not fluid plot)
The Hurt Locker

pretty camera work doesn't save a weak movie


I love Gigi (10/10) Top five worst Oscar Winners
5. Chariots of Fire (5/10)
4. Around the World in 80 Days (5/10)
3. Shakespeare in Love (5/10)
2. The English Patient (4/10)
1. The Greatest Show on Earth (4/10)

None of these are horrible 1/10 type of movies. But Oscar Winners??? Shouldn't have happened!


Totally agree. I loved Gigi.


If you replaced the English Patient with Gigi, I could not argue with your list.


Film critic Jamie Bernard once claimed in a newspaper article that AMERICAN BEAUTY was the worst Best Picture Oscar winner.
Many readers protested her choice; in the final cocensus, it was pretty well decided that dubious honor goes to THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.


I have ranked my Top 100 English Language Movies. Gigi is ranked #77 and American Beauty is #96. The Greatest Show on Earth is a bad movie and my worst Oscar Winner of all time.


I haven't seen a lot of them, but Cimarron was very, very poor.
