Age difference...

I find it strange that there is a 25 year age difference between Grant and Kelly. I say this because in the movie Charade (1963) Grant is 25 years older than his romantic interest, Audrey Hepburn. Much of the behind the scenes info about Charade deals with how Grant refused to make the movie unless the script was altered to portray Hepburn's character as pursuing him. He was said to have been offended by the thought of a man his age going after someone young enough to be his daughter. Why no worry of that in this movie? Just wondering. What do you think?


From what Ive read, he relished the idea of making a movie with Grace Kelly for Hitchcock. I believe he came out of early retirement to make it. I always thought it was odd that most of Grace Kellys' movie husbands and lovers were noticeably older than her: Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Bing Crosby, etc. Of course-in real life she was attracted to them-so I guess it all comes full circle.


I know what you mean, and this seems prevalent in so many films especially of this era. In all fairness though this does seem part of real life aswell, across class, cultures & history.

I guess ultimately a woman is seen at her traditional peek in her twenties, exuding raw natural out going sexuality, confidence, innocence, charm & health. A lot of things considered attractive to men. After all she's going to be lumbered with children for the rest of life so at least let her have the upper hand in choosing a decent partner.

Whilst a man of the same age can offer very similar qualities, this is not ultimately what a woman needs. She's got to be looking for a supportive stable environment to help provide for her and the children, especially as she's going to love the children more than the man.

So these qualities are going to become much more apparent with men when they are in their forties and had time to mature, becoming wealthy & healthy or poor & unreliable.

Think about it. A penniless spotty mumbling shoe gazer, with little confidence & rude sarcasm, verses a rich handsome, worldly wise, funny cool guy, I know who I'd choose (& I'm a bloke).

Plus he lasts longer.


Wow ... some wild generalizations in there.
He lasts longer? Like forever or maybe even never? Ho-ho. Just kidding.
Anyway - agewise he won't last long - now THAT is an advantage.
She will still have all the money when he's long gone and until then he has so much to do staying wealthy that she can find time to ... meet other interesting people who are better able to oblige her in physical ways. Wildly generalizing myself though.
Well, older balding guys with fat bellies can lie to themselves all day long.
Fact is, the old rich guy - young woman couple is the exception, not the rule.
Women aren't that helpless any more, they have more opportunities to earn their cash etc. etc.

What is worth noting though is that this movie is from the FIFTIES no less and it appears Grace Kelly's parents had no small part in picking a wealthy husband for her daughter and they succeeded.


I have always found this line of "reasoning" amusing, at the least.

Since about 1950, in America but not throughout the world, there has been this propaganda promoting the idea that only couples of little or no age difference can be successful in marriage and family life. For thousands of years before 1950, the opposite was true. Men did not usually seek marriage until they had established themselves and had something stable and secure to provide for family life. The age difference in "To Catch A Thief" is not remotely new for the time. And do not forget Danielle Foussard, a still younger girl who also had her sights set upon John Robie.

As regards the concept of lasting longer, the young chap may last longer in bed initially, but he is more likely to trade her in when the novelty fades, and so the more mature gent may indeed last longer in the marriage and family. And as regards lasting longer in life, the wild young thrill seeker may perish long before the family oriented gent passes on leaving grandchildren or even great-grandchildren to his legend. It is all relative, non?

I do find it an odd coincidence, to be writing on this here, whilst researching some details on the film for my "half-my-age" girlfriend, who happens to love this ancient classic, and compares her own attraction to me with that of Francie to John - she claims I possess a similar charm, so love must be blind, indeed.

Optimist, cup half-full; Pessimist, cup half-empty; Lux, cup always full: half liquid, half air...


She looks 25. He looks 60. It's a little gross.


Makes it seem as though a husband is little more than a replacement father figure for a young adult women: Much older, financial provider, and protecter.
Surely these women could have sought out lovers in their late 30s at least rather than ones more than half-way through their lifespan? How fair is that to the kids are most likely bound to watch dad outlive mom by some considerable time?




In "To Catch A Thief", Grace Kelly's character IS the one doing the pursuing. She even calls Robie out on his lack of interest in her and his apparent deeper interest in her mother, as if that offended her.




It might be of interest that in the book they are virtually the same age - he is disguised to look older to avoid notice by the police. So, she pursues an older man but gets one of 34.



The thing is that in most of Grant's films, the women are chasing/pursuing him. That's why the info on Charade has always been amusing to me. Perhaps Cary had this in mind about some of his other films and leading ladies before working with Audrey.

Cary was 50 when he made To Catch a Thief, and was still in great shape. He was nearing 60 when he made Charade. Perhaps Grant became a bit more self-conscious about his age and what people would think about him "chasing" Hepburn thoughout the film.

I've also read that Grant didn't like to see an older man romancing a much younger woman on-screen (and other male actors during Grant's era felt the same way). Cary didn't want to be seen as a "dirty old man." Of course, he had no problem off-screen romancing very young women.

It may have been studio execs and directors who placed the older male actors with the very young actresses instead of getting actors near the same age. Grant was one of the few stars who could pull off the age difference since he looked much younger than his actual age, and had immense charm.

"Watch me run a 50-yard dash with my legs cut off!"


No. His body and skin looks awful in Thief. He looks 60!


oh....give it a break, will you?? I would have pursued Cary Grant at any age :)) !!!!


Unless you're a man, you'd be out of luck!




Frankly, I find the age difference rather repellent.

The immature Frances Stevens characater may have been a vampish personification of the almost-60-year-old Hitchcock's private needs. And 50 year-old Grant may also have had own private desires.

But, as I say, I find it repellent.


That's your problem then. As long as they are both adults, then who cares?


I find Grace Kelly utterly boring-looking and I think Grant looks great. He looks vital, virile, and dynamic, and still does when we get to North By Northwest. I've got no problem with his age but they should have had an older, more interesting leading lady for this.

Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.


It does not bother me. I like Grace Kelly and Carey Grant. As GC fan it should not bother you. A lot of her leading men are way older than her. Grace liked older men in real life anyway. I’m 24. I would have pursued Carey Grant at any age.


Speaking of age differences, has anyone noticed that Brigitte Auber, who played Danielle, was actually older than Grace Kelly, whom she accused of being older?

Grace Kelly is a frustration to me. She was gorgeous, but simply empty inside, and quite possibly was a sex addict. She had a lot of conquests in her time.


Brigitte Auber not only was older, she looked older, too. I'd say she was miscast but she looked pretty good in a swimsuit.

As for the male lead being older than his love interest, as many have remarked, it happens all the time, and not just in the movies. Even worse, men still get good roles well past middle age, unlike women.


She was gorgeous, but simply empty inside

Of course, you knew Grace Kelly personally.

and quite possibly was a sex addict. She had a lot of conquests in her time.

So did Cary Grant, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable... etcetera. I believe that makes them sex addicts as well.

Oh, wait, they were men. Therefore, they must be described as having charisma. Different rules, eh?

PS. I'm just a male who thinks the same standards should apply to all.

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