MovieChat Forums > To Catch a Thief (1955) Discussion > What are your Top 10 Favorite Movies?

What are your Top 10 Favorite Movies?

I know. It's hard to pick just ten. Anyway, here are mine in no particular order:

1. Psycho
2. My Best Friend's Wedding
3. Armageddon
4. To Catch a Theif
5. The Princess Bride
6. Braveheart
7. Dirty Dancing
8. Remember the Titans
9. The Man Who Knew Too Much
10. How the Grinch Stole Christmas(cartoon, completely underated)



1 .you've got a mail.
2 .moulin rouge
3 .titanic
4 .my best friend's wedding
5 .braveheart
6 .american beauty
7 .A time to kill
8 .gone with the wind
9 .the terminal


ur obviously a tom hanks fan :)


1. Lord of the Rings trilogy
2. Highlander
3. Braveheart
4. To Catch a Thief
5. Heavy Metal
6. Legend
7. The Green Berets
8. Tequila Sunrise
9. Stop, or My Mom Will Shoot
10. Clean and Sober


1. lotr
2. glass bottom boat
3. count of monte cristo
4. singin in the rain
5. the patriot
6. ferris buellers day off
7. whats up doc?
8. pirates of the caribbean
9. support your local sherrif
10. its a mad mad mad mad world


2-Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
3-Ferris Beuller's Day Off
4-Dr Strangelove
5-Rear Window
6-Apocalypse Now
8-Mr Smith Goes to Washington
9-Philadelphia Story
10-Napoleon Dynamite


1. Star Wars saga
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
3. Psycho
4. Vertigo
5. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
6. Rear Window
7. Dr. Strangelove
8. THX-1138
9. The In-Laws
10. North by Northwest


1. Chinatown
2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
3. Amelie
4. Rushmore
5. Day of the Jackal
6. Shawshank Redemption
7. Fight Club
8. Life is Beautiful
9. LA Confidential
10. Friday


1. Pulp Fiction
2. Notorious
3. Memento
4. American Beauty
5. Die Hard
6. Pirates of the Carribbean
7. Casablaca
8. The Big Sleep
9. Suspicion
10.Singin in the Rain

"Dry your eyes baby, It's out of character."


1. Apocalypse Now
2. Strangers on a Train
3. Evil Dead II
4. Dawn of the Dead
5. Dogma
6. Pyscho
7. Empire Strikes Back
8. Dr. Stangelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
9. Ed Wood
10. Chinatown

I just can't stop.
11. Raiders of the Lost Arc
12. Evil Dead
13. Planet of the Apes
14. Night of the Livng Dead
15. Shaun of the Dead
16. Soylent Green
17. The 39 Steps
18. Rope
19. Edward Scissorhands
20. Army of Darkness


1. the professional
2. the shawshank redemption
3. the matrix
4. to catch a thief
5. la haine
6. groundhog day
7. gone with the wind
8. a bronx tale
9. trading places
10. lock, stock and two smoking barrels


Touch Of Evil
On The Waterfront
Seven Samurai
The Third Man
Wizard Of Oz
Schindler's List
Apocalypse Now
The Godfather I&II
La Cage Au Folles
The Seventh Seal
Richard III (Both Olivier and Mckellan)
La Dolce Vita
Les Enfants Du Paradis
Midnight Cowboy
The Wrong Box

many others


1. The Godfather I & II
2. Unforgiven
3. Star Wars & The Empire Strikes Back
4. The Third Man
5. Rear Window
6. Goodfellas
7. The Searchers
8. Double Indemnity
9. The Big Lebowski
10. Psycho


Watch all of these films in this order and you'll never be taken in by film snobs or fanboys again. Enjoy.

1. Film (Samuel Beckett's)
2. For His Son
3. La Jetee
4. Back to School
5. Glen or Glenda
6. Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler
7. My Son John
8. Ice Pirates
9. The Devil Bat
10. The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu


1. Army of Darkness
2. The Langoliers
3. Rope

Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart !


1. Mary Poppins
2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
3. The Jerk
4. The Wizard of Oz
5. The Princess Bride
6. The Sound of Music
7. Moonstruck
8. Braveheart
9. Duck Soup
10. My Fair Lady


1. All That Jazz

2. American Beauty

3. Blade Runner

4. StarWars - 1st one only

5. Seven Samurai

6. High and Low

7. Tampopo

8. Straw Dogs

9. The Wild Bunch

10. Fight Club

Give me a year to refine that but for now... not bad.


01. Citizen Kane
02. Lawrence of Arabia
03. Casablanca
04. The Third Man
05. 2001: A Space Odyssey
06. Raging Bull
07. Fellini's La Dolce Vita
08. Akira Kurosawa's "Ran"
09. Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious
10. Floating Weeds (1956, Yosujiro Ozu)

Best of the unarguable best.


Stop writing LOTR trilogy; trilogy means three in a series. The Lord of the Rings are three completely different film and although they all suck, they take up three spots on one's list, not one.

Thank you.


1. Rear Window
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Seven
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Casablanca
6. Young Frankenstein "Damn your eyes.....too late"
7. Field of Dreams
8. Usual Suspects
9. Beauty and the Beast
10. JFK



I wouldn't go as far as to say that the Lord of the Rings trilogy "sucked," as someone tactfully put it. They're pretty good films, not on my favorites list but enjoyable to watch when you've got two or three hours to spare.

Anyway, my favorites INCLUDE (I'm very indecisive) the following, in no particular order:
Garden State
The Breakfast Club
The Seven Samurai
Young Frankenstein
A Fish Called Wanda
The Lady Vanishes (the first Hitch movie I ever watched, and it holds a special place in my heart :-D)
Monty Python's Meaning of Life
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I also really like Dr. Strangelove, The Shining, Amélie, Run Lola Run, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Thelma & Louise, both the old and the new The Man Who Knew Too Much, Rear Window, Our Hospitality, Sherlock Jr., Strangers on A Train, Vertigo, To Catch A Thief, and The Ladykillers with Alec Guiness.

I've seen 2001: A Space Odyssey also, and I love Kubrick, but I haven't seen it in so long that I can't really remember if I liked it. All I remember is a talking machine.... I was about eight years old.

And to the person who mentioned Floating Weeds, is that the one with the theatre troupe who comes to a small town in Japan, and the leader of the troupe has a son in the town but the boy thinks his father is really his uncle? I think I also saw another of Ozu's films, Early Summer I think it was called. Am I thinking of the same thing?


Aw, crud - I forgot North By Northwest and Casablanca. They're awesome, too. :-)


No particular order:

1)North by Northwest
3)The Philadelphia Story
4)Who Framed Roger Rabbit
5)The Thin Man
6)To Catch a Thief
7)Rear Window
8)After the Thin Man
9)Murder by Death
10)Bringing up Baby

"It's a nice face."


Cute but trivial.


No partictular order

Dr. Strangelove
Rear Window
Monty Python and the Holy Grail


1. Rocky Horror Picture Show
2. Frankenstein
3. The Color Purple
4. Dracula 2000 (can't help it, I love it!)
5. 12 Angry Men
6. The Passion of the Christ
7. Psycho
8. An Affair to Remember (Cary Grant version)
9. To Catch a Thief
10.All That Jazz


Frankenstein (1931)
A Night at the Opera (1935)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
12 Angry Men (1957)
Psycho (1960)
Star Wars (1977)
Ordinary People (1980)
Die Hard (1988)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Training Day (2001)


2.The Indiana Jones Trilogy
3.The Star Wars Saga
4.Breakfast at Tiffanies
5.Rio Grande
6.Lawrence of Arabia
7.Deconstructing Harry
8.The Beach
9.Chasing Amy
10.Endless Summer II
