Criterion DVD in July!

At last!


Here are the full specs:

New, restored high-definition digital transfer
Audio commentary by film scholar Neil Sinyard
Portrait of a "60% Perfect Man": Billy Wilder, a 1980 documentary featuring in-depth interviews with Wilder by film critic Michel Ciment
Excerpts from a 1986 appearance by Wilder at the American Film Institute
Excerpts from an audio interview with co-screenwriter Walter Newman
Theatrical trailer
PLUS: A booklet featuring new essays by film critic Molly Haskell and filmmaker Guy Maddin

"Get me a bromide - and put some gin in it."- Countess de Lave in The Women


Also, it's windowboxed -- you really pick up a lot more of the picture than you'd think (see for example Criterion's recent release of "49th Parallel").

Not to mention a GREAT cover! I'm glad Criterion didn't commission one of those would-be Picasso-esque illustrations they seem to favor these days. This may be the most striking DVD cover I've seen from the Big C.

After all these years of waiting...can you believe it's really here? Well, almost. Let's hope there are no last-minute problems; it's happened before. (Sorry for the pessimistic note, but Billy would have understood.) Someone should replace the tatty old poster on the IMDb main page with the new DVD art.

And it's a crime no one ever put this, Billy Wilder's favorite of all his films, on home video during his lifetime. A July release is great for us; I'm sorry the creative genius behind this marvelous film isn't here to share and enjoy it with his admirers. But thank you, Billy, for everything you gave us, most especially, ACE IN THE HOLE.



Ace in the Hole is Wilder's favourite of his own films? Really? Not that I am that surprised, but it is interesting to hear this!

Everything is a farce compared to death.


Billy was always testy (and probably a bit defensive) about the film's failure at the box office, but in interviews down the years he always liked being asked about it and indicated repeatedly it was his personal favorite. Amazingly, a lot of interviewers never discussed this film with him.

His famous quote, in response to some question pertaining to the movie's status as a "flop", was: "F--- them all! It's the best picture I ever made!"



Ha! Sounds like Wilder, from what I've read about him. I like his style! However, I think I'd go with Sunset Boulevard as being the best picture he ever made. Great visuals, great characters, great dialogue. Unflinching examination of human relationships.


Haha. You should see the doc included on the Ace in the Hole dvd. The interviewer says: "You seem to have gotten more sentimental with your later work like Avanti..."

Wilder: "Wait a minute. I don't want the kids to think I'm soft. It's better to be considered a cynic".

Good stuff

