MovieChat Forums > In a Lonely Place Discussion > Although she... (end spoiler)

Although she... (end spoiler)

left him. He'll be the love of her life. And we can all know by her expression.

Why is it with most chicks that falls in love by those men.
Even if they don't marry them, their husbands will have to leave as being just the second choice.




"their husbands will have to live as being just the second choice" I suppose you mean. Sure, but it isn't the second choice in a bad way, because it's a better choice, like you see an item in a store but know is wrong for you for some reason, like cost or bad fit or it won't look good with other stuff you have, and you are perhaps regretful it couldn't work out but you know you made the right choice when you took/chose something else....

Jason Robards:


I remember breaking up with a girlfriend, and how miserable I was. How I thought she was the Love of my Life, and I was Never Going to Find Love Again, and I was Just Going to Die, etc.

Years later, I realize I dodged a bullet, and I can laugh about it. I found someone better, and I'm far, far better off. Second choice, chronologically, is not necessarily second choice in quality.
