New Ann Miller fan

Okay, I know I'm not the target audience for this movie (urban, black, hip hop fan) but I really enjoyed it. Sinatra was great, but Ann Miller blew me away

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"


Indeed. All the cast members (even the maligned Jules Munshin) contribute something to movie, but Miller almost steals the movie for me. "Primitive Man" has to be one of the stupidest songs ever, but the cast "sells" it and Miller's dancing (not to mention the leg show) makes it the highlight of the movie for me.


I've seen this movie many times but today it struck me that if Ann Miller's character had worn that dress on the street she could have been arrested for indecent exposure. :)


I've never been a huge Ann Miller fan, but even I have to admit she was insanely talented. If you like her in this, you should check her out in Kiss Me Kate. Here's a clip if you're interested -


I did catch that. Years and years ago. Thanks for the reminder.

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"


Congrats, Rod. I like to think that more 'non-target' fans of this and other musicals exist more than you may think. Almost every review I've read on OTT points to the 4th-billed Ms. Miller as practically stealing the show from the other 5 performers- and it's primarily because of "Prehistoric Man-" a tap number that manages to be silly, funny, and sexy all at the same time- but is one of the best showcases for Ann and those mile-long legs!!


Yeah, my mom was a big fan of the rat pack and so when their movies come on I watch them because they remind me of her. Same reason I watch westerns too. Otherwise you'd never catch me watching John Wayne. And now I watch war documentaries because my dad really liked those. I guess it's true - we become our parents.

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"


Ann Miller was beautiful as were all the women in this & the entire main cast were insanely talented.

Just wait until you see the bluray when the 3 women dancers are @ cooney island near the end in their beautiful costumes 😀


I better hurry. I read an essay at that Bluray, DVDs and CDs are being phased out. Companies can make money off of streaming without having to manufacture a product.

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"


CM, that's CONEY Island.
You'd better fix your post before the PC police get you!
