MovieChat Forums > Double Indemnity (1944) Discussion > I always waanted Bogey to do MacMurray's...

I always waanted Bogey to do MacMurray's role

He did it well but always thought he was miscast.
It made his career tho.


I thought the same thing especially after My Three Sons. But this is a fantastic film noir with a femme fatale that is surpassed only by Out of the Past and maybe The Killers. Bogart was on to Brigid in Maltese Falcon.


ya - as a kid I watched my 3 sons and that imprinted on me.
Then later on I saw Double Indemnity and it just didn't sit right with me.


MM was perfect. I like Bogart but he's Bogart when you watch him act the same way Nic Cage is Nic Cage


a few vital statistics.

MacMurray was 9 years younger. I honestly think a 45 year old Bogey is more realistic than a 36 year old MacMurray. What he goes through makes me think of a mid life crisis especially if the character was married. A single 36 year old becoming so obsessed with a married woman his age to want to commit murder?

MacMurray was a lot taller. Around 6'3 vs Bogey who was average height. Not sure how that matters to the dynamic.


As mentioned, Bogie was always Bogie. This role demanded a man who had a certain innocence to him at the beginning of the film, without the hard boiled edge that Bogart had difficulty shedding. Neff's transformation and his inner sadness at what he's become doesn't work unless he starts out with the insouciance that MacMurray was able to portray.


MacMurray should have got the Oscar.


No. I've yet to see a movie where I liked Bogart.
