MovieChat Forums > Catherine Princess of Wales Discussion > Meghan, eat your heart out...

Meghan, eat your heart out...

THIS is what a real Princess of Wales looks like:


Absolutely gorgeous - and CLASSY!


She will make a fine Queen Consort one day.


I agree





She wears the Lover's Knot Tiara very well too.


It's the Lover's Knot tiara, not Lover's Heart, and I'm not proud of knowing that.

Dayamn, she looks great!


*Adopts Cockney accent* She scrubs up alwight, don't she, eh?


Far better than Meghan ever did.



I took a look, and it is! It's a lovely image of Queen Elizabeth II when she was in her 20s, at the start of her reign.


But she ain't no blue-blood. What's the point in a pretend-monarchy?


She earned her title of Princess of Wales. You can become royalty if a true blood royal believes you have earned the title, and they publicly grant it. It's a very old tradition, dating back over 1,000 years.

In this day and age, the British Royal Family isn't there to rule the UK. Their job is actually to represent the British people as a whole, and to give back to the community. Many people don't know this, but the Windsors work, a lot. There's a reason why they call the Senior Royals "Working Royals." Because they actually work, for no pay at all. They do charities, they are there for opening up local businesses, they show support for different causes as well as the armed services, etc. They will also go abroad to British Commonwealth countries and do the same thing in a diplomatic capacity.


The concept of working for no pay did not please Megs. As far as I'm concerned set me up in a castle, allow me access to just about anything I want, never have to worry about money again. I'll support the charities and the communities for no pay and be happy about it.


Oh definitely. She seriously thought she would be treated like a goddess, be waited on hand and foot by servants, have an endless supply of money to spend with no consequences, the news would never be allowed to print anything negative about her, she could appear in pretty dresses and crowns, live in a castle, and become immortal.

Boy was that witch in for a shock when she found out her husband had no real control over his own money, and barely had any available, she had no say in how much money she could spend, the two of them lived in a "frat house," (as she described his cottage apartment on palace grounds), she had to go out and spend time doing boring stuff with "the peasants," she couldn't wear what she wanted (though she tried through outright defiance), the Queen had forbidden her from wearing any more royal jewelry after she had "lost" some valuable pieces and was a total brat about the tiara she wanted to wear to her wedding, her staff didn't live up to her expectations, the RF made it clear to her that they had no control over what the British Press said about her (save for the time they shut everyone up about her Megnancies), and she made an idiot of herself on both the Moroccan and Australian tours. The RF had to send older family members to apologize and smooth things over after those visits.

Word on the street is, she and the handbag didn't actually step down from their duties; that was just a cover for the Queen firing Meghan and throwing her out of England while setting strict terms for Haz before he joined his second mommy in Canada.


She was also barred from accepting gifts or something as I recall which she also didn't like. No doubt she thought being a Royal was like Super Hollywood or something where the privileges should just be even more excessive.

Those tax payers expect something for their money. She reminds me a lot of Diana, a wrecker who wanted it all her own way.


Actually, being a royal isn't the same as Hollywood at all. While you can be a celebrity at times, there are a lot of rules to follow, rules that are much more strict than in Hollyweird.

1.) You can't accept gifts from fashion companies (or companies that sell products of any kind), show it off in public, send it back, have the company sell the item, and get a cut of the profits. It's not allowed when you're part of a very public family from Europe.

2.) No matter how popular you are, you will never rise in rank in the Line of Succession to the throne. Someone has to die or abdicate first, and most of the people ahead in line will never give up their spot for a stupid, selfish, immature, loud upstart.

3.) You can't turn an institution that's been around for over a millennium into some cheap, merchandising company. They aren't there to make money, they are there to represent their people and to give back to the community.

4.) What money you do get comes through rent collected from property owned by the Crown, and despite the RF being very rich, most of their assets are tied up in very old real estate, antiques, and art. Unlike Hollywood celebrities, they actually work on a budget, albeit one that's larger than what most people have, but far smaller than what billionaires in Hollywood play around with.

And yeah, Meghan was obsessed with Diana as a child. She studied everything about her, from her mannerisms, to her life, to even the way she talked and dressed. She's been cosplaying Diana (as well as a few other female celebrities) for most of her adult life, considering she has almost nothing of her real self to brag about. And to be fair, Diana was very good at hiding the fact that she wasn't actually the saint she pretended to be. Imagine Harry as a slightly smarter, more tactful, less violent, more elegant woman, and you have the real Diana's personality.


No, it's not the same as Hollywood if you know something about it but for people like Megs, they would see it as some kind of Super Elite Celeb camp where anything goes. Diana and to a lesser extent Sarah Ferguson joined "The Firm" and then went about doing whatever they wanted. The only one who matters in "The Firm" was at that time the Queen everyone else are just support players. Diana and Megs wanted to be stars.

I never shared the publics love for Diana and always saw her as manipulating the media and playing games. She may have started off as the shy wallflower but she became something very different.


I liked Diana at first, but only because I was a kid and blinded by her pretty clothes. When I started reading up on her, I started realizing I was looking at a seriously messed up woman and a very messed up family. The thing is, though, the RF have learned from their mistakes and have tried to change to be better at their jobs and how they handle family as well as the paparazzi.

Meghan will never change. She will still be a petulant, bratty, trouble-making child, even if she makes it to old age, screaming her head off when she doesn't get what she wants, and trying to make others suffer for HER mistakes. I only wish the prediction my brother made about her future would come true sooner rather than later.


Diana at least did some charitable things whether she was manipulating the media or not. Meg's just seems like a naive free loader. Her wedding was such a disgrace and not at all respectful in terms of the British culture and Monarchy.

As much as I loved Queen Elizabeth I do put some blame on her. Charles as we all know wanted Camilla and should have been allowed to have her, Andrew wanted Koo Stark but the Queen or handlers didn't like it because she was an actress who did nude scenes.

William seems to have married well but Harry needed a lot more guidance and maturity before marrying. I feel like Megs just decided to lead him in the way a mother would and he lapped it up.




So the caretaker from the Shining is still around.




HAHA! I'll never be able to un-see it, now!


You so proud of this average looking, flat-chested, frigid woman as if she cared one bit about you


Wake up! None cares one bit about you, they at least do not lie to your face day in and day out like politicians do.
