MovieChat Forums > Emma Watson Discussion > Recent Vogue interview seems to confirm ...

Recent Vogue interview seems to confirm that she is done with acting

Those shifting “tectonic plates” have seen Watson take a step back from acting (her last film, Little Women, was released in 2019), try her hand at directing (resulting in a Prada fragrance commercial) and enrol on a creative writing MA programme (she’s already written a play, but keeps the details tightly under wraps). Turning down major Hollywood roles can’t have been easy, I suggest. “Because I’m in a career that moves very quickly, the decision to take time to do these things felt like a very big decision,” she admits.

“I’m just so glad that I did [step away from acting] because I have this feeling of having my own voice and creative space and sovereignty in some way that I don’t think I did before – more autonomy,” she tells me quietly, as if she’s letting me in on a secret. “I’m so glad that I allowed things to be messy for a minute and to really allow myself to not know [what’s next], because the knowing that I’ve come to, I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”



It definitely looks like she is done with acting and is now focused on other things like the ones outlined above. Seems like that is where her passion lies now. I guess the writing has been on the wall for a while now about her stepping down from acting.


Happens a lot with child actors. Turns out they just really don't ENJOY acting. The money is fantastic, but if you invest properly after a dozen major films and royalties, you should be able to live a very comfortable life.


True and I think this is the case with Emma. She probably liked taking on the role of Hermoine at the time but then you could see the passion just wasn't there and now she seems glad to have moved on from acting into something that she is actually passionate about. Her being rich and well off allows her to just do whatever she really wants now. Good for her I say.


That’s fine. I was done watching her act after the last Harry Potter movie. No loss. Plenty more talented actresses to replace her.


I guess, she probably realizes that acting is not really her thing by now.
