MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > What was it like dying in a Nazi gas cha...

What was it like dying in a Nazi gas chamber?

It must have been pretty fcking scary and claustrophobic. I'm sure the victims knew their fate and realized at the end once the door shut that it wasn't really a "shower". Probably not painless or quick way to die at all. Sad that so many children and elderly and disabled went through that. It's amazing this all happened only less than 100 years ago.


Ask whoever does Bidens's laundry.


Unfortunately, no one alive can tell you. It was a horrible part of history that, unfortunately, some people went through. Hopefully they didn't know what was coming and it was over quickly, but we'll never know. RIP to those who went through this insane time! Let's hope that no one is insane enough to ever do this type of thing again! It's hard to believe that this ever happened in the first place. For me, it's hard to fathom that anyone could ever get to this point and actually do this type of thing to another human being. It's easy to just blame this on Adolf Hitler, but somehow so many Germans went along with it. That is so crazy to think about! To be manipulated to that extent is wild!! I guess we should all just try and learn from this and try to understand how and why this happened. Always question everything and don't just accept what your leaders are telling you. That seems very important to me in trying to avoid this type of thing in the future.


The Auschwitz commander said there was a lot of screaming for about 20 was all setup so they didn't know until the door was closed and a high ranking Nazi Official rode up in a Mercedes, gave a little speech, and the driver got out and dumped cans of prussic acid down into holes on the roof(the chamber was in the basement). Stalin and Hitler also starved millions, seems a lot more cruel. Genocides are common, usually very cruel, sadistic, tyrants use the same playbook over and over again.


Dang. 20 minutes is pure torture. And to think the victims were mainly women, children, elderly and disabled.

I've heard stories about people's eyeballs being ripped out and people being trampled on. And that there were urine, vomit and feces everywhere.



Many years ago I saw a photo of a Nazi piece of shit helping a young child too small to step over the threshold in the gas chamber door. May that fucker burn for an eternity.


I read what I really consider the most authentic book on the inside workings of Auschwitz. It was by a Polish doctor who was handpicked by Mengele soley based on his experience with performing autopsy's(which was a big part of the whole psuedoscience of eugenics that the NAZI's were obsessed with, let alone the rest of the world at that time).

Anyway, this doctor was not a Nazi, he was a Polish citizen and he actually worked in the largest of the Gas Chamber buildings. He had his own office, he tried to avoid the gas chamber area, he took direct orders from Mengele, and really nobody bossed Mengele around he had full authority to do whatever he wanted.

Anyway, this doctor miracously survived several years in the camp. Working in the Crematoria, performing autopsy's and other medical duties. It all was horrifying and soul crushing. Two of the stories that stick in my minds is

1. A group of hundreds of very young, skinny, boys in rags were in an area near the crematoria. They were mostly naive of what was going on, they were playing with each other, they had no reason to believe they were going to be killed. Over the loudspeaker the camp commander told them to take off their clothes, they suddenly realized it was the end and the description of how their faces changed from bright and cheery to shock and sullen is haunting. In less than 30 or 40 minutes they were all gassed.

2. Some prisoners were held in areas for many, many months. An order comes down to liquidate the area, in a very short amount of time. Over a few days the doctor describes something like 80 trucks with 50 prisoners each are driven to the front door of the gas chamber. The half mad, starving, diseased prisoners get out, stumble down the steps into the basement. Take off their clothes and walk into the gas chamber.


I’ve heard stories that people were climbing on each other trying to gasp air from the hole at the top where the cylinders dropped out of.

It would have been horrible.


quick death compared to what the Japanese did in WW2
did you know about unit 731 ?

Experiments included disease injections, controlled dehydration, biological weapons testing, hypobaric pressure chamber testing, vivisection, androtomy, organ procurement, amputation, and standard weapons testing. Victims included not only kidnapped men, women (including pregnant women) and children but also babies born from the systemic rape perpetrated by the staff inside the compound.

Unit 731 - Japans Secret Human Experiments

Even nazis were horrified by unit 731 work


In other tests, subjects were deprived of food and water to determine the length of time until death; placed into low-pressure chambers until their eyes popped from the sockets; experimented upon to determine the relationship between temperature, burns, and human survival; hung upside down until death; crushed with heavy objects; electrocuted; dehydrated with hot fans

placed into centrifuges and spun until death; injected with animal blood, notably with horse blood; exposed to lethal doses of X-rays; subjected to various chemical weapons inside gas chambers; injected with seawater; and burned or buried alive.

In addition to chemical agents, the properties of many different toxins were also investigated by the Unit. To name a few, prisoners were exposed to tetrodotoxin (pufferfish or fugu venom), heroin, Korean bindweed, bactal, and castor-oil seeds (ricin).

Massive amounts of blood were drained from some prisoners in order to study the effects of blood loss according to former Unit 731 vivisectionist Okawa Fukumatsu. In one case, at least half a liter of blood was drawn at two-to-three-day intervals.


They didn't get the atom bombs for shits and giggles.


for sure....... everyone around the world is still bitching about Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

only a few percent of the world population know about horrible things the Japanese did before and during WW2


we certainly weren't taught that in school. we got the "Nazis are the worst people of all time" text book. happily re-enforced by Hollywood. i believed that stuff right into my 30s. on the ranking list of atrocities throughout history, the Nazis are surprisingly low.


exactly, and look at all the video games where WW2 is the focus, you are always fighting the Germans, never the Japanese! not that i know of, at least.

LOL, easy to figure out why, who makes videogame consoles?

Do not want to offend those who make our consoles and TV's!

Then to hell with history!


Highly difficult to impossible? You know, with the wooden doors and all.


Watch that scene in Schindler's list and I think that will tell you everything.


I was hit with gas down range! Not in a chamber but open air! Still fucking terrible.


What chambers?
