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Jared Leto says he never sent gross gifts

"The only gifts I ever gave Margot were cupcakes. I think I gave her a mouse, and some of the other guys got gifts that you'd get as a joke at a party," he continued, ...

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But if you hesitate, it may be for good reason. After all, as Will Smith reports:

"He went full Joker. And the rule, generally, is to never go full Joker. But, he went all in. He really set the tone. He wasn't playing with it."

Personally, I stopped reading at giving Margot the mouse. First of all, a mouse is not a cupcake.


I never click links.


It was a pet rat, Margot actually liked it and had a name for it, he never did any rehearsals with the rest of the cast as he felt it would be better for him to prep for the role that way, so his gifts were the bond between him and the cast before the shoot, it was part of his creative process for the role if you would say! he never gifted her any dead animals, the dude is a vegan!
those fictitious rumours that people till this day keep spreading without checking damaged his image to some extent, what happened to him after that film wasn't fair!


I think you're trying to get me to click the link, and I just don't click links.


It's okay, I didn't click the link either! but you can find him talking about it on youtube in a GQ interview


I am sure that is more than one link that I would have to follow to go down that trail.


But I must apologize, when you said the guy was a vegan, I thought you said he was Vince Vaughn. I got totally sidetracked on that one, sorry.


I conditioned myself long ago to start my internet interactions on the basis that I am speaking to neurodivergent people just to be fair, u know! but Trolls out there making it difficult for everyone




The "gift" thingie was a grift by promoters. Everyone could tell from promo editorials prior to the release of the film.


So Jared Leto doesn't have veto power over the promoters when it comes to giving a cupcake, hrm, a mouse?


Paul Dano is getting the same treatment now it seems like it, actors shouldn't speak to journalists about their preparation process before knowing the public reception of their roles. between the exaggerated headlines and the internet's desire to make a joke out of everything, this doesn't end well for actors
