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Stanley Kubrick’s Daughter Is a Far-Right Proud Boys and QAnon Fanatic





The son of Richard Dreyfuss is a HUGE FLAMING RACIST.
He even writes about it.


She's also a dedicated Scientologist. It's easy to fall into this stuff with that kind of cult fanatic mentality.


Still, at least she isn't a Democrat.


She ripped the Fake Moon Landing nuts. Set up a go fund me for Shelly Duvall.
Several IMDb credits:


Eh, it's no crazier than the far-left, BLM crowd. Two sides of the same tribalistic coin, really. It seems everyone is nuts these days.

In fact, I'd probably go as far as to say the far-left are a scarier group. At least the cultish behavior of QAnon and Scientology people is rare. And weird enough for most people to look at and quickly dismiss (and both groups will likely fade away within a relatively short time). The conspiratorial Cult of Wokeness, however, is thriving, growing, and is being taken terrifyingly seriously within our media and politics. People are losing their jobs due to it on a fairly regular basis. Censorship is repeatedly happening due to it. There's even been book burnings and anti-scientific ideas (in regards to gender, CRT, and misinterpretations of various data). And protests have come from it that have resulted in millions of dollars worth of property damage, serious injuries, and numerous lost lives (not to mention these mass get-togethers were occurring during the height of a contagious modern plague).

If QAnon, Scientology, or whatever demonic thing someone considers "the far-right" to be were more prevalent, it would probably be a scarier foe. But, as it is, it's not. It's all fairly fringe. Heck, I'm from about the most bible-thumping, redneck-filled, backward area in the south, and even I encounter far more wokesters than QAnonners, Scientologists, or white supremacists (I encounter no white supremacists or Scientologists, in fact).

All of this being said, The Daily Beast is agenda-driven garbage, imo. Within that very link, they're even pushing that horrible hit piece documentary against Woody Allen. So I'm hesitant about even trusting their interpretation of anything. And while I personally think Proud Boys is causing more harm than good, it isn't a "hate group".


Im from a southern state as well, and dont know any white supremacists or scientologists either (which theres a chance since they do film hollywood movies around my area).

Whats crazy is I've seen many comments online about my state being "unsafe for a black person to go to" when my local sheriff is a black guy, and the mayor is a black guy as well xD and it doesnt even matter that they are black to anyone who lives here!

The lefts voice is louder and they have that media machine behind them in hollywood and popular news outlets, which is why so many are duped into believing their propaganda.

Mark Twain once said "When you dont read the news you are uninformed, when you read the news you are misinformed" and its become hard to ignore that with each passing day.


It's a bit ironic, really, with how much they speak of discrimination and being careful not to hurt anyone's feelings, how they, themselves, repeatedly discriminate and stereotype. I was always a big TV and movie buff, for instance, and due to how much they made fun of people in the south it made me incredibly insecure. At around 8th grade, I even went as far as intentionally changing my accent, haha.

I mean, I don't care, really. But the hypocrisy of it all is kinda annoying, though. Even now I often hear references toward the south as if we're all racist, inbred, intellectually impotent hillbillies and Jesus freaks (well, there are a lot of Jesus freaks, I'll give them that lol). Then, in the same breath, they'll have the gall to accuse everyone else of lacking empathy.


At least the cultish behavior of QAnon and Scientology people is rare.

And they're more easy to spot. The people on the far-left do their idiocy more discreetly.


Vivian seemed so interesting in her commentary for her Shining documentary. I assume it might have been recorded around 2000. She was bright and amusing and had a wealth of detail on the making of The Shining. We'll forever be indebted to her for documenting what Kubrick is like when he's working, and it wasn't always pretty but his dedication to his craft comes through. I had heard at one point several years later she had broken contact with her family because she was ordered to do so by the Church of Scientology with its notorious disconnection policy with families deemed hostile to the Church. That was sad to hear, but sadder still are these latest revelations which I hope are untrue alleging she now throws her support behind reactionary, fascistic forces that are the same dangerous thugs who championed and influenced rightwing murderer and Proud Boy supporter Kyle Rittenhouse.


My comment wins the laurel wreath of victory for being the the most intelligent and eloquent. Of course, my opponents were rightwing nutjobs with an IQ of 30, so it was a bit of an uneven match.




Laughing at your own comment isn't cool. Boo.


As the Mishnah tells us "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?"


I don't know which [deleted] nut job you are. Care to tell us?

Kyle is a national hero! Nothing right-wing about self defence when attacked by fascists.


Translation: She’s a moderate.

To libtards anyone who isn’t a radical left cultist is a “far right proud boy and QAnon fanatic”


The OP's source is far-left Daily Beast!
