MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If a girl lightly bites a guys arm, does...

If a girl lightly bites a guys arm, does that means she's interested in him?

That happened to me years ago, and I'm still not sure what to make of it.

I'm an autistic weirdo with health issues, so things like that didn't happen to me often, like they probably do to the Brad Pitts of the world.

If I were a female I guess I might have a little "me too" story, I suppose. Instead its just an odd thing that happened back in college.


Was she drunk or high? There are many weird people, some of them are female.

Here’s a bit of dating advice. Only date someone who will look you in the eye and say they are attracted to you and want to get to know you better. Forget all the flirties who play games with innuendo and vague signaling. They are players, just out for the thrill of the chase. They don’t take people seriously and only flirt to feed their own ego.


She had been drinking, yes. I knew her a little bit. Still came out of nowhere, though.


Let's not rule out cannibalism, but yeah, if there is chemistry between two adults, pretty much any playful physical contact is *usually* a sign of attraction. Being on the spectrum must make it much more difficult to navigate, so, me playing armchair psychiatrist, would recommend if you are attracted to the person, be frank and maybe say something like, "I'm not really great at this, but that felt nice. Do you maybe wanna fool around a little?" with no expectations. If she says yes, great; if she gives a firm "no," respect that and try to react casually. Anything in between, try slowly escalating physical contact and lingering eye contact (but not staring), and keeping it playful and light.

I could go on, but there are plenty of "how to tell if she wants you to kiss her" guides out there, I'd advise you to check out a couple, especially if geared towards folks in your situation/noobs.

One last thing, do *not* dwell on it like you missed a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's just part of learning life lessons.


Was she a zombie 🧟‍♀️




If it's a cat, yes.


Caution, their next level is milk treading on your head.
Painfully...though friendly meant. 🍼​ 🐈‍⬛​🐈‍⬛​🐈‍⬛​


Someone like that would probably Phil Hartman you one day.


This happens to me every time I slather myself in bbq sauce.


I’ve been having that same problem


Was the girl Luis Suárez' sister?
