MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Exploitation cinema recommendations

Exploitation cinema recommendations


I'll do a marathon next Sunday with some friends and i wanted to ask which of the below are the most fun to watch with friends, beers and pizza.

Savage streets
Jungle holocaust
Gone in 60 seconds
The big bird cage
Fair game
The Cheerleaders
Sex and Fury
Ilsa Haven Keeper of the oil Sheiks

Also, any other you would recommened besides the classics of this genre since i have seen them?


I thought Revenge (2017) was a pretty cool recent exploitation flick.


"The Last House on the Left" from 1972

"A Serbian Film"

"Salo or The 120 Days of Sodom"


I wouldn't consider the latter two films exploitation as they were intended to be more serious rather than fun or sensational for its own sake. Salo falls into the art house category.


The Last House on the Left isn't fun or sensational either. I don't think that movies have to be enjoyable in a classical sense to be considered exploitative.


Nightmares of a Damaged Brain (1981). Also known as Schizo.

Bloodsucking Freaks (1976).

Caligulia (1979).

Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend (1989). Hentai anime. Look for the uncut Japanese version.

The Concrete Jungle (1982).

Superfly (1972).

Razorback (1984).

Mothers Day (1980).

The Exterminator (1980).


I grew up hearing the term Blaxploitation in terms of films, but I'm still not exactly sure what the definition of Exploitation Film is. Seems like another way of saying Cheesy Stereotypes featuring Minorities.
Another sub-genre that comes to mind is the Women In Prison movie.
In that regard I will nominate the Eleanor Parker / Agnes Moorehead vehicle Caged.


I don't know what an "exploitation film" is either. [shrug]


That makes two of us, Cat😺 Be nice if the OP provided, you know, an explanation. The examples s/he provides are, to me, just a hodgepodge of crappy movies.


It makes three of us, R_K, you, me, and Snepts! Maybe the OP thinks this is something commonly understood, but since there are at least 3 of us who don't, an explanation or definition, would certainly help.
